Archive for the ‘THE BLACK RACE’ Category


March 17, 2007


Chapter 7

Albinos–The Origin of the Caucasian Race?

As new information comes down the pike, it is necessary to rethink theories that were once in place. The origin and labeling of the “so called” Caucasian, Negroid, and Mongoloid Races by 19th Century scientists, started racial groupings based on skin color by naturalists and anthropologists like Johann F. Blumenbach, JA Gobineau and HS Chamberlain. These men also equated skin color to psychological value and importance to race. Blumenbach named whites after the Caucasus Mountains because he thought the purest white people originated there. He didn’t seem to realize the following:



12th Dynasty – Tour Egypt


Today The American Anthropological Association declares there is no such thing as race which is merely a “social construct.” If that is the new scientific principle, then….


There are plenty of scientific facts to back up this principle. According to The South African Institute for Medical Research in review – Journal of South African Science, THE HIGH FREQUENCY OF ALBINISM IN AFRICA provides more clues to early African history. The Department of Human Genetics at the SAIMR is currently involved with numerous research projects, most related to human genetic disorders and population origins–one of these, ‘Albinism in African peoples’ having received particular attention because it offers new insights into the historical movement of peoples in sub-Saharan Africa.

The albinism syndrome shows parallels with sickle cell anemia. The carrier of the sickle cell mutation is at an advantage in regions where malaria is hyperendemic, which includes large areas of Africa.

About one in 35 southern African blacks is a carrier of an albinism mutation, a surprisingly high prevalence for a genetic disorder where the homozygote is at a survival disadvantage. It is postulated that the albinism carrier may actually be at an advantage, possibly also with malaria as the selective agent. It has been suggested that mosquitoes are less likely to alight and take blood from a lighter-skinned person and thus the albinism carrier may be at an advantage over darker-skinned people. The testing of this hypothesis is opening up a new line of research into malaria studies, which may yet show some other selective agent may be responsible for the high frequency of albinism in Africa.
The new scientific genetic information derived from the Human Genome Project, an international effort to decode the information embedded in the human genome, confirmed to the world by scientists in the East Room of the White House (June, 2000). We all evolved in the last 100,000 years from the same small number of tribes that migrated out of Africa and colonized the world”. “All human beings are 99.99% the same at the DNA level and the remaining 0.1% genetic variation that exist seldom segregate in a manner that confirms to the racial boundaries constructed by social political means.”

Many years before the Human Genome’s Project announcement of its historical DNA findings on so called “race” (in June of 2000), historians have revealed that human beings, during the primitive era in ancient/antiquity Africa – The Origin of Humankind/Humanity states that due to the lack of knowledge about inbreeding (between closely related parents) they did not understand why their off spring were born with “white skin.” Scientists say “white skin” is a form of Albinism (a genetic defected offspring — lacking melanin).

Cystic Fibrosis was thought to be a disease that affects mostly Europeans, but there are studies that now confirm that the most likely origin of the mutation is the African Continent.

The CF studies also tie-in with population migration investigations. Since the common African mutation has also been found in Zambia and Cameroun, it too supports the Bantu Expansion Hypothesis. It is worth noting that the mutation has also been found in African-Americans, in Saudi Arabia and in Greece on the same chromosome background (haplotype), suggesting a single origin. The most likely origin of the mutation is indeed the African Continent.

Cystic fibrosis (CF) was first described in Europe in the late 1930s. It was later shown to be surprisingly common with, on average, one in 20 individuals of European origin carrying a CF mutation. It was widely believed to be absent or very rare in Black Africans and was taught as such to generations of medical students. Only a handful of cases were described in African Blacks in a period of over thirty years, although it was well documented among African-Americans. CF was originally thought to be present in the latter because of admixture with individuals of European descent.

Oculocutaneous albinism (OCA) is a rare, genetically inherited condition passed on by both parents to their offspring, resulting in a significant reduction in or absence of pigmentation in the hair, skin, and eyes at birth. Individuals with albinism are very fair-skinned and fair-haired, with (most often) blue eyes that can take on tones of purple or red in bright lighting.

But due to such lack of knowledge as to why their “white skinned” off springs came about, African mothers and fathers became more and more fearful and suspicions and began to separate their growing number of “white skinned” off springs away from the “black skinned” (pigmented) population.

Eventually most of the “white skinned” off springs of “African” mothers and fathers formed several groups and began to migrate northward through Egypt to another area of Africa which is now called Europe, seeking a more hospitable living environment and to escape the intensity of the equatorial hot climate of the great river valleys and great lakes region of Central, Eastern and Southern Africa which was then and still is South of what is now called Egypt.

The “albino” group moved up in the mountainous area during the Ice Age or Glaciations period that lasted thousands of years further isolating themselves from their original parent population in Africa. And by being in such isolated living condition for such a prolonged period they also interbred (within the existing parent groups) thereby creating additional “albino” offspring from “albino” mothers and fathers who were then and still are direct descendents of African mothers and fathers.

A mutation results in a change of the DNA sequence within a gene or chromosome of an organism resulting in the creation of a new character or trait not found in the parental type. There is blonde hair among the black Australian aborigines. That is an example of a mutation. Albinism is a good example of a mutation. Other examples of mutations are blondism or whiteness among monkeys, apes, and chimpanzees.

Biblical Evidence of White Skin

There are many cases of individuals turning white in Jewish biblical history. When God wanted to show Moses a miracle, he turned his hand “white as snow;” then God turned his hand back again to its original color of black. In ancient Israel when a man had a white spot on his skin or white or yellow hair, or white skin somewhat reddish, he was pronounced unclean. All people who were victims of this shameful disease were isolated outside of the camp or city and segregated.

Some theories equate Albinos with the origin of the Caucasian Race. This website has many validations for the origin of the Negroid Race, but what about the Caucasian Race? Certainly Frances Cress Welsing hit the nail on the head with her book, The Isis Papers (1991).

The White Race has the genetic inability and absence of melanin to produce the different skin pigments seen throughout the world. That absence of skin pigment creates the inability to produce colors. As a result, uncolored or white skin is produced. White Race genes are at a recessive global juncture. Recessive genes delineate body characteristics that are masked or not expressed when a contrasting dominant black or brown gene or trait is present. The black/brown genes create people who have curly hair and whose skin is easily tanned.

As the 8 per centers’ recessive gene disappears, anthropologists are rushing to reclassify the world’s Black and Brown Races. Through “Caucasian racial engineering” some Brown Races have become hypothetically “White.” It has increased the White Race totals with a lopsided apportionment numbering system. The system has been designed to expand and extend White Race counts, which only amount to 8 percent worldwide (United Nations Population Division, 1+).

In “Echoes of the Old Darkland” by Charles Finch III, MD by a doctor of medicine (Yale) the following is quoted: “We propose that the … population that survived the last glaciations in southwestern Eurasia was largely a group of albinoids who were better adapted to the ecology than their darker relatives who had originally colonized the area. These latter were gradually replaced by albinoids, though small groups of African aboriginal types long persisted on the North Atlantic seaboard because of the availability of Vitamin-D-rich salt-water fish. This “goodness-of-fit” of the albinoids in this northern environment was due to the more efficient Vitamin D production and utilization in the whitened skin in these sunlight-deficient latitudes and better cold resistance.

The Ice Age had the practical effect of isolating this marginal group from other populations for a prolonged period, promoting a consanguinity that would have allowed the recessive albinoid genes to express and propagate themselves. Creation of a new race via depigmentation is consistent with the tendency in nature of new species and subspecies to form out of marginal groups that have become isolated from their “parent” populations and subjected more or less abruptly to extreme environmental conditions, which generate intense selection pressure.” (Op. cit. p. 35) Albinoid mutation seems as good a speculation since the fossil data and genetic data both seem to rule in favor of a common, Black African ancestry for all mankind.

Read Blacked Out Through Whitewash. The book excerpts give more background on the origin of the White Race.

People with Natural Blonde Hair are Disappearing and will be Extinct in 200 Years.

New research suggests that people with blonde hair will be completely extinct in 200 years. Blonde hair occurs only in people from northern Europe. The blonde gene that causes blonde hair color must be on both sides of the family, and according to the World Health Organization, there is now too few people who carry it.

Professor Jonathan Rees from Edinburgh University is leading a two-year study into the genetics of blondes. Scientists say blondes will survive longest in Scandinavia where they are most concentrated, and they predict the last one alive will be from Finland.

Jonathan Rees
Grant Professor of Dermatology

The University of Edinburgh

RIE, 1st Floor, Lauriston Buildings

Lauriston Place, Edinburgh, EH3 9YW

Tel: 44 (0)131 536 2041 – Fax 44 (0)131 229 8769

(Source: WDIV – Detroit Channel 4 – September 27, 2002)

Globally, the White Race risks “genetic color elimination.” Caucasians /8 per centers are rapidly presenting the world with a conjured-up system of so-called “statistical numbers of non-truth” as a way to implant new suppositions and beliefs. The non-truth firepower has the ability to deliver psyche-up, illusory gunfire amounting to numerical warheads on the target of more Caucasian deceit. The duplicity will end up fabricating a sort of actuality–statistical ballistic weaponry warfare to MAXIMIZE the dwindling White Race group numbers.

The original Indo-Europeans referred to, as Aryans were nomads who herded animals in the steppes north of the Black Sea, in what is now the Ukraine. Between 5,000 and 6,000 years ago, the Aryans migrated into Europe on horseback and conquered a series of cultures. The Encyclopedia Britannica concurs with British historians. When trying to trace pre-historic man to Europeans, it was found that Indo-Iranian languages make up a major branch of the Indo-European family of languages (Bower, 120+).

The Sinhalese Language is an Indo-European language of the Indo-Aryan family. The earliest surviving specimens of the language are brief inscriptions on rocks in Brahmi Letters from 200 BC. The most considerable amount of dated Aryan language dates to about AD 1000 (Encyclopedia Britannica, 567).

Linguistics link the Iranian language to African languages. Iranian languages include the Arabic language. Arabic belongs to the Semitic language group. Semitic includes Ethiopic and Hebrew–people who lived in one of Black Africa’s greatest civilizations. The implication being made is the following: Caucasians cannot validate their rudiment White civilization. It has been proven that civilization started in the great river valleys of Africa in the Fertile Crescent. The human race was born in Africa, and it is only logical that the evolution of White men started in Africa.

The Encyclopedia Britannia outlines the lack of or absence of historical sources to trace the process of Swedish Expansion and the Viking Era around AD 400. The same is true for Denmark. It is written–The first trustworthy written evidence of a kingdom of Denmark belongs to the early Viking Period. Roman knowledge of this country was fragmentary and unreliable. The same is said for the other Scandinavian countries.

Currently, the Smithsonian Museum is inviting people to examine the Atlantic Saga of the well-known culture of the Scandinavian Viking Age (AD750-1050) as they discover America. They landed in Newfoundland, Canada exactly 1,000 years ago. It is being hailed as a “discovery.” An endnote has been added that there is generous support from the Nordic Council and Ministers of Volvo.

The Caucasoid/8 per centers’ numerical deficiency has created a sort of numerical abundance because White groups now have psychologically increased their numbers with the many different White classifications of: German White Race, English White Race, French White Race, and Russian White Race. This justifiably amounts to many White Races even though theoretically there has been a three-race theory staunchly in place since the 19th Century.

The same psychological numerology works to minimize black/brown groups and forms the White “labeled minority classifications” geneticists refer to when “feeling their oats on the genetic highway to a White majority.” Dividing black/brown people into groups and referring to the groups as “non-white” or “people of color,” presents a purely natural tendency to think of black/brown people as lesser because of the fewest number of numerical classifications. Therefore, Black and Brown people have become minorities in the mastermind scheme when the statistical numbers of abundant craftiness are presented globally.

From sea-to-shining-sea. History shows that discrimination in this country occurs in all races that are not considered Caucasian. Asians, for example, have experienced a long history of discrimination even though the Asian Race is coined as the “Prototype Minority” worthy enough to grace the White American dominion. In 1854 the California Supreme Court ruled that Chinese citizens were not permitted to testify against Whites. In 1882 the Chinese Exclusion Act banned all immigration from China.

In 1913, California declared Asians ineligible for citizenship and prohibited property ownership. In 1924 the National Origins Act excluded most Asians from migrating to the US. With the outbreak of World War II one hundred and ten thousand (110,000) Japanese Americans were relocated to internment camps. It was only in 1952 that Asians born outside the US were permitted to become citizens–but now have been termed the “ideal minority.” Today most Blacks and Latinos continue to be subjected to extreme economic and social discrimination; whereas, most Asian Americans are not. Asian Americans have been labeled the “ideal minority.”

Asians in this country have higher household incomes, own more businesses, have had more success with higher education and hold more master’s degrees and doctorates than members of other ethnic groups. Their higher education numbers soared from 198,000 to 724,000 in colleges and universities from 1976 to 1993 (Marable, 7).

King James invented “discrimination of the divine” when he and his team of 47 European interpreters translated the King James Version of The Holy Bible. Purity, virtue, and goodness spew from every pictorial page of White European Biblical characters. The Bible reveals a blue-eyed White Jesus hanging on a cross, a golden-haired White Moses showing the “Tablets of Law to the People,” and praying at Mt. Sinai upon every turn of a page.

I am King James, and I proclaim “Ham, the youngest son of Noah, to be the father of the Black Race.”

Ham is the father of the Black Race because he was cursed and “condemned to Hell” states King James and his team of European Interpreters. In Gen. 9:18-29 Ham is the recipient of a curse–“Let Canaan be cursed.”

Hey, that means Canaanites were Black. What do ya know!!! Berber describes the indigenous Caucasoid people of Northern Africa in the scholarly White dictionary and encyclopedia, but Berber is defined as people who speak Hammitic/Semitic Languages. Hey, does that mean Berbers were Black? The Cushite (Ethiopian) and ancient Egyptian also spoke Semitic Languages.

Ham–the Originator of the Black Race “the accursed” and all of his descendants will be damned. Eurocentric church officials developed a mind-set of “heathen Blacks” to devise and formulate deceptive historical attitudes and viewpoints.

The Aryan Nation is the on-going work of Jesus the Christ re-gathering His people, calling His people to a state for their nation to ring in His Kingdom. The Aryan Nation believes that Adam, man of Genesis, is the placing of the White Race upon this earth. Not all races descend from Adam. Adam is the father of the White Race only. (Adam in the original Hebrew language is translated: “to show blood in the face; turn rosy.” Genesis 5:1).

The Book of Enoch Hamitic/Ethiopic Authorship: The Book of Enoch–which is considered to be the earliest biblical record of antiquity and the earliest book of Hamitic authorship is widely quoted throughout the King James Version of the Bible. The Book of Enoch was found among the Dead Sea Scrolls in the caves of the Qumran. Enoch was Noah’s grandfather and Methuselah’s father. Methuselah was the oldest man in the Bible living to be 969.

After reading the Book of Enoch, it is evident that the entire Creation of Heaven and Earth depicted by King James and his translators has not been taught in America’s churches. Why? Did King James and his translators use manipulatives to gain control and purposely hide Hamitic/Ethiopic authorship? If this book was written before the book of Genesis, and is Hamitic–aren’t we back-to-Black? Webster’s Warped Dictionary verifies that Ham was the Originator of the Black Race. (Brown, Ronald K. BOOK OF ENOCH, San Antonio, Texas 78210).

According to the Enoch–one of the Lost Books of the Bible, there were a Race of Angels numbering 200 who were sent to Earth to watch over mankind. The “Watchers” looked upon the women of the Earth and found them fair and pleasing to the eye. The women gave birth to what is known as (Nephilims) Giants of the Earth. The Book of Enoch comprises the following topics:

Second Coming of Jesus Christ and Judgment

Skills and Knowledge Taught by the Fallen Angels

Children of Angels to be destroyed

Disobedient Angels Incarcerated Till Judgment Day

Prophecy of A New Heaven and A New Earth



GOD Promises to Dwell with the Saints

The King James Version of the Bible starts with Genesis and the creation of Heaven and Earth. In Genesis 4:15 God orders Cain out of the Garden of Eden. Cain goes out from the presence of the LORD, and dwells in the land of Nod, on the East of Eden. There he knew his wife and conceived. “The Land of Nod” appears right there in the Fourth Chapter of Genesis. If Adam and Eve were the first two people on earth, what was the Land of Nod? The word “Genesis” is be-rasheet in Hebrew, an African/Edenic language that Western philologists in the 18th Century classified as part of the family of languages. Be-rasheet means “in the beginning” in a time when God created all things. (African Heritage Bible, 1).

Leprosy among the Hebrews and Snow White Miriam

In 14th century B.C., plagues were endemic through the Middle East and Egypt. The Book of Numbers tells us that Miriam and Aaron, sister and brother to Moses, revolted against their brother’s leadership. Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because he had married an Ethiopian woman. And they said, Hath the Lord indeed spoken only to Moses? Hath eh not spoken also by us?” Their challenge to Moses angered God. As a punishment “Miriam became leprous, white as snow” (Greenberg, 197).

The original man can be linked directly to the “Neanderthal” and “Cro-Magnon” Man 10,000 years ago through archeological measurements in size and stature to the Bushmen-Hottentot population of South Africa. Any US or European research book or encyclopedia show the reader a White man who is half man and half animal. Charles Darwin (Mr. Charlie) and other evolutionists would rather have the world believe man evolved from apes than from a Black man.

As Europeans were busy labeling the entire Black Race as cursed and accursed, a fair-haired English physicist came up with the color spectrum in 1666 that disputes the “White European Hamitic Theory.” The theory clearly denotes that if Noah and his wife were Caucasoid, it would have been impossible to produce three different races of people. The Keys to the Colors Theory was proven by Newton over 300 years ago, but Warped Webster’s Dictionary still defines Ham as the “Father of the Black Race.”

Reference books will tell you the majestic Sir Isaac Newton was credited with the discovery of the color spectrum. The theory presents solid proof that black is the foundation or base for all colors. Newton was the celebrated White English physicist who took a glass prism and passed a beam of sunlight through it. When the light passed through the prism, it formed a rainbow he later called the color spectrum.

By mixing the three primary colors of red, blue, and yellow together, the color black is produced. Black is the color from which all other colors are produced and is dominant. White, on the other hand, is the color of maximal lightness from which no other colors can be produced and is recessive. A little every day thing like the exalted Sir Isaac Newton’s so called discovery of the color spectrum shows more validity as it points to an African origin than the many years of research and long drawn out scientific theories to disparage and dismiss Black culture and history.

While scientists interpret, record, and test their theories, all they need is a small box of Crayola Crayons containing three crayons and a sheet of paper to prove the Keys to the colors.

Albinos occur in all races of mankind and in all animal groups. The albionotic condition arises from a distinct hereditary interference with the normal function of melanocytes. The enzyme tyrosinase is necessary for the formation of melanin and determines the color of the skin, hair, and eyes. Most children with albinism are born to parents who have normal hair and eye color for their ethnic backgrounds.

White skin is a form of albinism. There is no difference, microscopically speaking, between the white skin of a Caucasoid person and the skin of a person designated as an Albino. Black people with albinism tend to have hair of a deep bright yellow, cream-colored skin, and green or hazel eyes. The social problems of Blacks are compounded if a child is born and is an Albino. In the Caucasian Race blonde hair, blue eyes, and alabaster skin are considered so highly desirable that brunettes often bleach their hair or wear colored contacts to look like Albinos.

One of the most glorious periods of English History was that of the reign of Queen Victoria (1819-1901). The Victorians wore white wigs and powdered their skin to a chalky white probably in awe of their ancestors. Similarly, the powdered white wig worn by American colonial era illuminati reflected the wearer’s ability to afford luxury items and identified him as one of the educated elite.

Fairy tale heroines are said to have skin white as snow–Snow White–for example or London Bridges Falling Down–the writer tells of “fair ladies.” The same physical Albino attributes in children of Black/Brown Races are taboo. Individuals in these races often are ostracized because of certain beliefs about people with white skin.

In Biblical times people with albinism were banished or thrown out, and forced to live in colonies just as people with leprosaria or Hansen’s Disease were forced to live in leper colonies and away from other people. The Black Race believed that God was delivering judgment on a family with albinism and that the individual with albinism is cursed or is the embodiment of sin.

White-skinned people came into existence thousands of years ago as the Albino mutant offspring of black-skinned mothers and fathers in Africa. A sizable number of these Black parents produced, rejected and then cast out of the community their genetic defective albino offspring to live away from the normal black skin-pigmented population. There were colonies of albinos formed which eventually migrated northward to Europe, to escape the intensity of the equatorial sun of the Southern hemisphere (Welsing, 23).

During Biblical times Albinos were ostracized. The same thing is happening today when Albinism occurs in society. Albinos are ostracized by their own families–especially in Black families where the difference in skin color is more distinct. The ostracizing of Albinos during Biblical times is the only logical explanation of how the White Race came into existence. The Albino colonies produced more and more Albinos until there was an Albino Race.

The Finnish, Swedish, and Danish people are “as White as pure driven show” with blonde hair that is almost White. The two groups of people show a strong evidence they were part of the composition of the Albinic/White Race that moved northward. White European geneticists that the union of two albinos will produce children that are affected with albinism have validated it. The parents of albinos are often consanguineous since it increases the likelihood that both will possess the same gene. The Albion tic condition creates an extreme sensitivity of eyes and skin to the sunlight.

There was a migration of the African Albinos northward to what the world recognizes as Europe. During Biblical times Europe was part of Africa. Europeans themselves designated and divided Africa into the regions of the “Middle East” and “Europe.”

Skin color is determined by melanin. The large molecule of the pigment melanin is formed in the skin cells from a much smaller molecule called tyrosine. Tyrosine is colorless and is present in all cells. In the skin cells of most human beings there is at least one gene whose job is to manufacture tyrosine. If the gene is of a type that can form considerable quantities of tyrosinase, the skin cell is like a well-staffed factory.

Considerable quantities of melanin are formed, and the person possessing that gene has dark-brown skin, black hair, and dark-brown eyes. If the gene were a type that manufactured only a small amount of tyrosinase, the reverse would be true. Little melanin would be formed, and the person would have fair skin, light hair, and light eyes.

An Albino’s genes do not form tyrosinase at all. No tyrosinase occurs in their cells and no melanin can be formed. Such people have very fair skin, white hair, and no pigment at all in their eyes. The eyes look reddish because small blood vessels can be seen through the transparent colorless iris of the eye (Boyd & Asimov, 72).

The Scandinavian countries Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, and Finland make up the Nordic people. Nordic traits include long slim bodies, long oval faces, White alabaster skin, straight blond hair, and blue or gray eyes. Nordic people have thick yellow-white eyebrows, and facial hair. The Nordic traits clearly distinguish and identify Albino traits or visa versa–take your pick.


African American Heritage Study Bible, Ed. Rev. Cain Hope Felder, Ph.D., Iowa Falls, IA: World Bible Publishers, Inc. 1993.

Bower, Bruce. Indo-European Pursuits: Scientific paths diverve in the quest for ancient Eurasians, Washington DC: Vol. 147, No 8, 28 February 1995.

Boyd, William & Asimov, Isaac. Races and People, New York: Abelard-Schuman Publishers, 1955.

Greenberg, Gary. The African Origins of the Jewish People, New York: Citadel Press, 1996.

Peterson, P. E. Classifying by Race, Population Reference Bureau, Vol .24, No. 1, Population Profile of the US – US Census Bureau, Jan 1996.

Raloff, J. Languishing languages: Cultures at risk, Washington DC: Vol. 147, No 8, 28 February 1995.

Welsing, Dr. Frances Cress. The Isis Papers, Chicago: Third World Press, 1991.

Windsor, Rudolph R. From Babylon To Timbuktu: A History of Ancient Black Races Including the Black Hebrews, Chicago: Lushena Books, 2003.

M. Stewart


March 16, 2007



Kemet: A Short Study Guide
It is important to have a critical understanding of Kemetic / Egyptian history for the sake of Kemet / Egypt. This short study guide provides enough scope and content pertaining to Kemet / Egypt history and culture, religion and philosophy, and lastly who they were (and are).

Further it is important to understand the pernicious undertakings of parasitic racist whites to append the histories of Africa and other societies as their own. Though they have not engendered a single one, they psychopathically in a rather desperate and concerted attempt claim every ancient civilization.

Lastly, it’s important to understand what African people are going through to restore their rightful place in history.


African Origin of Civilization – Cheikh Anta Diop

“Our investigations have convinced us that the West has not been calm enough and objective enough to teach our history correctly, without crude falsifications” – p.XiV A seminal work debunking the myth of a white Kemetic / Egyptian civilization. Diop examines every approach taken by white racist including its pseudo-sciences contrived to proclaim Kemet / Egypt a white civilization. This work presents the factual racial history of the origins of Kemet and their achievements.

Civilization or Barbarism – Cheikh Anta Diop

“For us, the return to Egypt in all domains is the necessary condition for reconciling African civilizations with history…” p. 3 A comprehensive overview of the origins and development of civilization and the African role in its unfolding. Dr. Diop provides evidence from all major fields of science to show the foundations of civilization were developed and spread globally before the Aryan (principally Europeans and Arabs) would encounter and benefit from it.

The Destruction of Black Civilization – Chancellor Williams

“This work begins where the history of the Blacks began, in Egypt (Northern Ethiopia) and Sudan (Southern Ethiopia). Thus at the very outset, I clash head-on with the Caucasian version of African history.” – p.37 Dr. Chancellor Williams provides a critical survey on the development and demise of Kemet / Egypt. He demonstrates that Aryans (European and Arab) invasions and their diametrically opposed anti-African culture led to the fundamental demise of Kemet / Egypt.

Egypt Revisited – Ivan Van Sertima, editor

“Egypt has created the greatest and most enduring of all ancient civilizations. Its remarkable achievements in the arts and sciences, its influence upon the philosophy of both Europe and Asia, is seldom denied. Few studies, however, admit the significant, indeed predominant role of Africans in the building of this civilization.” p.3 This is an excellent collection of essays by scholars addressing Kemet / Egypt civilization from various perspectives including its origins, racial makeup, science, philosophy and more. Dr. Sermita, through the Journal of African Civilizations, has produced a critical building block in the pyramid of reclaiming Kemet / Egypt from the clutches of European and Arab pseudo-scholars and scientist.

Black Man of the Nile and His Family – Yosef ben-Jochannan

“In this volume facts of African history which have been for so long purposefully withheld from the public shall be revealed and carefully explained.” – p. XI Dr. ben-Jochannan offers a scathing treatise on the psychopathic behavior of white pseudo-scientist and their absurd claims of a white Kemet / Egypt civilization. Additionally, he offers one of the best chronologies of Kemet / Egypt dynastic history.

History of Egypt – E. A. Wallis Budge
In this 8-vol set Budge gives a relatively honest account of the facts un-earthed that show Kemet-Nu / Egyptians were/are African. His is a dynasty by dynasty exam of the artifacts and of the mummified remains from the royal tombs. This work preceded his later claim of the Kemet-Nu being white (a turn that most of the white pseudo-Egyptologist made per their funding organizations dictates)


Greece and Rome

Stolen Legacy – George G.M. James
“The true authors of Greek philosophy were not the Greeks, but the people of North Africa commonly called the Egyptians” p.7 Prof. James provides a critical survey history of Kemetic / Egyptian intellectual impact on the development of southern Europe and western Asia; of the Greek invasions into Kemet / Egypt, the resultant plundering of the Kemetic / Institutions and the false claims by Greeks to have studied, learned and authored the body of knowledge they stole from Kemet / Egypt.

The Children of the Sun – George Wells Parker

“When the Aryans invaded Greece they were savages from Neolitic Europe and could not possibly have possessed the high artistic capacities and rich culture necessary for the unfolding of Aegean civilization.” – p.23 A seminal essay on the African origin of civilization and challenging the European origins of Greek Civilization.

Africa and Africans As Seen By Classical Writers – William Leo Hansberry

“In the beginnings of European literature, few names are better known and none is older than that of Ethiopia. Europe’s earliest poetry sings of no foreign people quite so romantic; it geography records no country more distant; and its efforts at history memorializes no nation thought more ancient than that designated by this celebrated name.” p.7 These writings by Dr. Hansberry are seminal to understanding the place of admiration, celeberty and power Ethiopia and Kemet held in the mind of the Greeks and Romans. This publication helps us to see the distinction between early Aryan invaders who wrote about Ethiopian and Kemet as African and the latter day racist pseudo-scientist who attempt to fabricate a White Ethiopia and Kemet (Egypt).


Black Folk Here and There – St. Clair Drake

“Black Folk Here and There deals with the Black Experience before White Racism emerged as a dogma to support a system of institutionalized practices designed to justify the transatlantic African slave trade and Western Hemisphere slave systems.” – p.7 Dr. Drake offers a 2-volume examination of race, skin color, prejudice and racism from ancient times to the current era. His work looks at race from the perspective of the ancient peoples and at the beliefs, understanding and use of race in modern race relations.

The Cultural Unity Of Black Africa – Cheikh Anta Diop

“I have tried to bring to view the common denominator in African culture as opposed to that of the Northern Aryan culture…. May this work contribute to strengthening of the feelings of goodwill which have always united Africans from one end of the continent to the other and thus show our organic cultural unity.” p.8 This is an extremely important work for understanding the origins of races, their developments, cultural distinctions and, especially important, the diametrically opposite cultures of the African and the Aryan. Diop’s work provides a foundation for rebuilding African civilization and a tool towards defeating Aryan racism.

See also: African Origin of Civilization – Cheikh Anta Diop


Religion / Philosophy

Ancient Egypt the Light of the World – Gerald Massey

Massey’s 2-volume set offers critical insight into the foundations and formulations of Kemetic / Egyptian religion / philosophy. He explains the Ntcheru types and functions. Additionally he addresses the Kemetic / Egyptian foundations for all of the worlds religious-belief systems. He points out how you cannot make since of any of the western religions – Judaism, Christianity and Islam – without referencing Kemet / Egypt (their source) to explain them.

Essays In Ancient Egyptian Studies – Jacob Curruthers

“…Ancient Egypt offered the best presently known source of data about the uncorrupted African past with enough data to not only verify the facts of African Civilization but to begin the construction of a framework to reinterpret the history and social reality of the world.” p.Xi Dr. Curruthers offers a collection of essays under four topic areas giving us to date some of the best insight to Kemetic / Egyptian speech and behavior. Most publications by others before this work were flawed being interpreted through a euro-centric filter and edited to suit said euro-centric designs.

The Book Of Coming Forth By Day – Maulana Karenga

“The essential purpose of this volume…is to explicate the ethical ideal found in the Declarations of Innocence in terms relevent to modern ethical discourse.” p.22 A brief interpretation and summarization of Chapters taken from the Book of Coming Forth By Day and Going Forth By Night.

This book is an essential introduction to the speach and practice that was at the foundation of Kemet / Egyptian life.



Let the Ancestors Speak – Ankh Mi Ra

“Regardless of the cacophony of shrill, and unbridled disingenuousness of most “Egyptologist” owing to some ridiculous premise of intellectual and/or racial inferiority of the African, the persistent political hoax of grouping this language into some mythical “Hamito-Semitic” family has been and continues to be debunked.” – p. 26 Ra gives us a critical addition to the canon of literature that is restoring Kemet / Egypt to its rightful inheritors. Ra offers an advanced understanding of Medu Ntcher and an excellent text for students of the language.

Rightfully so the ancestors words are conveyed as they were meant and intended them to. Here, there is no misinterpreting them or filtering them through Aryan biases.

Like Heru who restores his father Ausar to his rightful place, Ra restores the true voice of Kemet / Egypt.


Critical Essays:

Bilad Es Sudan – William Leo Hansberry
Diop’s Two Cradle Theory and the Origin of White Racism – Vulendela Wobogo

About the banner image: “This painting from the tomb of Ramses 111 (1200 BC) shows that the Egyptians saw themselves as Blacks, and painted themselves as such without possible confusion with the Indo-Europeans [Caucasoids] or the Semites. It is a representation of the races in their most minute difference, which insures the accuracy of the colors”. Left to right: Egyptian, Indo-European, African, Semite. – Egypt Revisited: Journal of African Civilizations, Ivan Van Sertima, ed.


March 13, 2007


DALIT VOICE — A New Experiment in Indian Journalism
DALIT — The Black Untouchables of India constitute about 20% of India’s over 1,000 million population. Together with 10% Tribals, they make up a formidable 30% — far exceeding the population of entire Europe.
But such a vast humanity, constituting the core of India’s original inhabitants, is kept enslaved by less than 15% alien Aryans, India’s ruling class.

Dalit Voice was the first Indian journal to expose this closely guarded secret and shock the outside world and make history.
That is how Dalit Voice has become the organ of the entire deprived destitutes of India, the original home of racism.
Started in 1981 by V.T. Rajshekar, its Editor and founder, Dalit Voice, the English fortnightly, has become the country’s most powerful “Voice of the Persecuted Nationalities Denied Human Rights”.

A veteran journalist, formerly of the Indian Express, powerful and fearless writer, V.T. Rajshekar, had to face the wrath of the ruling class, arrested many times, several jail sentences, passport impounded and subjected to total media boycott.

Published in several Indian languages including Hindi, Dalit Voice has become the sole spokesman for the entire deprived, dehumanised lot of India. Besides the Dalits, it looks after the interests of Backward Castes (35%) and the country’s three persecuted religious minorities — Muslims 15%, Christians 2.5%, and Sikhs 2.5% — all victims of the Aryan Brahminical racism. Plus the women of all sections including the Hindu women.

In the course of the last 25 years, DV has become India’s largest circulated journal of the oppressed, fighting against mainstream dailies and periodicals which have totally ignored the plight of the original inhabitants. Hence DV is rightly hailed as a new experiment in Indian journalism.

Only DV has diagnosed the disease of India which is an exception to all other countries in the world. If others have only “classes”, India has not only the “class” but the world’s most unique institution of caste system, which is the other word for racism. Here lies the success of DV. It goes to all world famous libraries, universities and invited many Afro-American delegations to India.

Its Editor is hailed as India’s most original thinker, scholar and also philosopher. As India’s most famous Dalit writer, he has authored over 60 world-famous books dealing with the problems of caste, ethnicity, Muslims, Christian, Sikhs, Marxism, Brahminism, Racism, Gandhism, Fascism etc.

Over 100 books have been published by the Dalit Sahitya Akademy, its sister organisation, also headed by the Editor.
His book, Dalit – The Black Untouchables of India, published from the USA (Clarity Press, Inc., Suite 469, 3277 – Roswell Rd NE, Atlanta, GA.30305, ISBN 0-932863-05-1 , 2003 – 2nd print), has gone into several reprints uniting for the first time the Blacks of the world with the Black Untouchables of India.

His most important book, Caste — A Nation Within the Nation, which has gone into second print, is a marvellous thesis offering an ingenious weapon of “caste identity” to defeat Brahminism, the destructive ideology of the ruling class. In the latest Parliament election, the oppressed castes of India used this weapon and defeated the country’s Brahminical party (BJP).

DV becomes the future media of India where its dailies and periodicals are slowly dying. Because only DV offers a lasting solution as the authentic voice of the country’s tallest titan, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the Father of India.

© 2004 – 2005 Dalit Voice


March 12, 2007



By Conrad W. Worrill (October 23, 2003)

Part of our repair in the Reparations Movement is to correct blatant white supremacy distortions of
history? Case in point: Egypt Belongs To Africa!

Up until recent years, there had been a scholarly debate among European intellectuals, joined by some
Blacks, on what they referred to as the peopling of ancient Egypt. What this question really posed was
who were the ancient Egyptians? Were they Black, white, or mulatto, etc?

This issue has been at the core of European history or better yet European historiography (the science of
how history is written) for more than two hundred years. This framework of European hegemony over the
history of the world has had a devastating impact on African people and on the African mind.

It is in this context that we understand the intellectual devastation of the European conceptualization of the
world order. We should understand this in relation to our movement for an African Centered Education
and our Reparations Movement that are aimed at helping our people come out from beneath this
European intellectual assault and educate and repair ourselves.

Let me use renowned African deep thinker and scholar, Dr. Jacob H. Carruthers, to help clarify this
subject by revisiting a paper he wrote entitled, ?Race of Ancient Egyptians.? This paper gives us the
insights we need to understand this dilemma.

Dr. Carruthers observed that, ?The doctrine of white supremacy was launched by philosophers like
David Hume who asserted in 1749, ?I am apt to suspect the Negroes to be naturally inferior to the
whites.? This position was expressed in a different context by Montesquieu about the same time.?

We are guided by Dr. Carruthers when he explains, ?In the Spirit of the Laws, Montesquieu asserted, ?it
is impossible for us to suppose these creatures to be men, because allowing them to be men, a suspicion
would follow that we ourselves are not Christians.? Montesquieu was justifying the enslavement of
Africans which was one of the major reasons for inventing the doctrine of white supremacy.?

Upon further examination, Dr. Carruthers reveals? ?Obviously the emerging doctrine could not gain
credibility among those who were familiar with the traditional wisdom among Europeans that the ancient
Africans of Egypt had achieved a very high level of civilization and had transmitted to the ancient Greeks
many of the major ideas considered a part of Greek civilization.?

Dr. Carruthers explains, ?Several decades after the founding of the concept of white supremacy George
Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel supplied the solution of this latter difficulty when at the beginning of the 19th
century, he asserted that Africa was ?not a historical part of the world.? ?
Finally, Dr. Carruthers quotes Hegel to demonstrate the ultimate in European intellectual arrogance?
Hegel stated, ?Historical movement in it? that is in its northern part? belongs to the Asiatic or European
world? Egypt will be considered in reference to its western phase, but it does not belong to the African

Through this conceptualization Dr. Carruthers reveals, ?Thus, Hegel took Egypt out of Africa and
Africans out of Egypt. He also removed Africans from history.?

As an outgrowth of this kind of thinking by European scholars, the field of Egyptology began to emerge.
Egyptology as a field of study is the creation of the European mentality, which seeks to gather evidence
(artifacts and antiquities) that supports the idea of the European origin of civilization.
Egyptologist have literally attempted to remove Egypt from the geographical confines of Africa and
reposited it within the geographical domain of Asia, in an area that is even now referred to as the ?Middle

The removal of Egypt from Africa serves a twofold purpose. First, it leads to the obvious idea that Egypt
is not a part of Africa therefore its population could not have been Black. Secondly, it serves the purpose
of implying that civilization did not begin with the Black race.

Fortunately, we have always had Black scholars among us who did not get trapped in the European
conception of the world. It started with men like Hosea Easton, Henry Highland Garnett, and Martin R.
Delany who ?took the biblical myth of Ham and used it to establish Blacks as the authors of the great
Nile Valley civilizations.?

Also, ?They? used ancient European works such as Herodotus, Diodorus, and whatever modern works
they could find. This tradition has been an honorable endeavor and has taught us much.? The old
scrappers, according to Dr. Carruthers, ?are still among us slugging it our as per our beloved Professor
John G. Jackson.?
Through the works of Senegalese scholar, Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop, Dr. Théophile Obenga, Dr. Yosef ben
Jochannan, Chancellor Williams, and others, the origin of the ancient Egyptians should never, ever be a
question for African people. This question has been resolved. We should be clear that ancient Egypt or
Kemet (as the people who lived in this area called it. Kemet means the city or community of the Blacks)
and the ancient Egyptians, or more properly, the Kemetic people were BLACK.

Diop points out that Herodotus ?after relating his eyewitness account informing us that the Egyptians were
Blacks, then demonstrated, with rare honesty (for a Greek), that Greece borrowed from Egypt all
elements of her civilization even the cult of gods, and that Egypt was the cradle of civilization.?

Our scholars, deep thinkers, and researchers should never again raise the question of who were the
ancient Egyptians. This question has been resolved. Clearly the people of ancient Egypt / Kemet, were
Black people!

Conrad Worrill
National Chairman
National Black United Front (NBUF)


March 10, 2007


Pagan Origins of the Christ Myth
by John G. Jackson (Originally published in 1941)


Part Three: Pagan Christs

The Egyptian analogies to the Christian epic are so close in some cases as to suggest an Egyptian origin for certain Christian doctrines and rites. This is clearly shown by Gerald Massey:

The Christian dispensation is believed to have been ushered in by the birth of a child, and the portrait of that child in the Roman Catacombs as the child of Mary is the youthful Sun-God in the Mummy Image of the child-king, the Egyptian Karast, or Christ. The alleged facts of our Lord’s life as Jesus the Christ, were equally the alleged facts of our Lord’s life as the Horus of Egypt, whose very name signifies the Lord. … The Jesus Christ with female paps, who is the Alpha and Omega of Revelation, was the Iu of Egypt, and Iao of the Chaldeans. Jesus as the Lamb of God, and Ichthys the Fish, was Egyptian. Jesus as the Coming One; Jesus born of the Virgin Mother, who was overshadowed by the Holy Ghost, Jesus born of two mothers, both of whose names are Mary; Jesus born in the manger—at Christmas, and again at Easter; Jesus saluted by the three kings, or Magi; Jesus of the transfiguration on the Mount; Jesus whose symbol in the Catacombs is the eight-rayed Star—the Star of the East; Jesus as the eternal Child; Jesus as God the Father, re-born as his own Son; Jesus as the child of twelve years; Jesus as the Anointed One of thirty years; Jesus in his Baptism; Jesus walking on the Waters, or working his Miracles; Jesus as the Caster-out of demons; Jesus as a Substitute, who suffered in a vicarious atonement for sinful men; Jesus whose followers are the two brethren, the four fishers, the seven fishers, the twelve apostles, the seventy (or seventy-two in some texts) whose names were written in Heaven; Jesus who was administered to by seven women; Jesus in his bloody sweat; Jesus betrayed by Judas; Jesus as Conqueror of the grave; Jesus the Resurrection and the Life; Jesus before Herod; in the Hades, and in his re-appearance to the women and to the seven fishers; Jesus who was crucified both on the 14th and 15th of the month Nisan; Jesus who was also crucified in Egypt (as it is written in Revelation); Jesus as judge of the Dead, with the sheep on the right, and the goats on the left, is Egyptian from first to last, in every phase from the beginning to the end.1

Osiris,2 the father of Horus, was another virgin-born god of ancient Egypt. His Sufferings, Death, and Resurrection were celebrated in an annual mystery-play at Abydos, on about March 25, an approximation of the Vernal Equinox, i.e. Easter. The Pharaoh Amenhotep III, of the seventeenth dynasty, was hailed as the son of the virgin Mutemua. His birth is pictured on the inner walls of the Temple of Amen in Thebes. “In this picture,” declares the Egyptologist Samuel Sharpe,

We have the Annunciation, the Conception, the Birth and the Adoration, as described in the first and second chapters of Luke’s gospel; and as we have historical assurance that the chapters in Matthew’s gospel which contain the miraculous birth are an after addition not in the earliest manuscripts, it seems probable that these two poetical chapters in Luke may also be unhistorical, and borrowed from the Egyptian accounts of the miraculous births of their kings.

Another great pagan christ was Krishna3 of India. In the sacred books of India it is recorded that Krishna was born of the virgin Devaki, that his nativity was heralded by a star, and that though of royal lineage, he was born in a cave. (According to the apocryphal gospel of Protevagelion,4 a work attributed to James, the brother of Jesus, the Christian savior was born in a cave.) At the time of Krishna’s birth, the cave was mysteriously illuminated. (At the birth of Jesus, “there was a great light in the cave, so that the eyes of Joseph and the Midwife could not bear it.”) The infant Krishna spoke to his mother soon after his birth. (“Jesus spake even when he was in the cradle, and said to his mother: ‘Mary I am Jesus the Son of God, that Word which thou did bring forth according to the declaration of the Angel Gabriel unto thee, and my Father hath sent me for the salvation of the world’ ” 5 according to the apocryphal gospels of 1 and 2 Infancy. ) Krishna was born while his foster-father Nanda was in the city to pay his tax to the king. (Jesus was born while his foster-father Joseph was in the city to pay his tax to the govenor.6) The babe Krishna was adored by cowherds. (The infant Jesus was adored by shepherds.) King Kansa sought the life of the Indian Christ by ordering the massacre of all male children born during the same night as was Krishna. (This is almost identical with the story of the slaughter of the innocents, ordered by Herod.7) Nanda was warned by a heavenly voice to flee with the infant Khrisna across the Jumna River, to Gakul, to escape King Kansa. (Joseph was warned by a voice in a dream to flee into Egypt with the Christ-child to escape the wrath of Herod.) Krishna performed many miracles in the city of Mathura. (Jesus, while in Egypt, lived in a town named Matarea, where he performed many miracles.) Krishna was a crucified christ. He is pictured in Indian art as hanging on a cross with arms extended. (Dr. Thomas Inman, a celebrated authority on pagan and Christian symbolism, states that: “Christna, whose history so closely resembles our Lord’s, was also like him in his being crucified.”8) Krishna was pierced by an arrow while hanging on the cross. (Jesus was pierced by a spear during his crucifixion.) The light of the sun was blotted out at noon on the day of Krishna’s death. (The sun was darkened from the sixth to the ninth hour on the day of the crucifixion of Christ.) Krishna descended into hell to raise the dead before returning to the abode of the gods. (We read of Jesus Christ that: “He descended into hell, and on the third day rose again from the dead.” The Descent into Hell of Jesus is described in the apocryphal gospel of Nicodemus.9) Krishna rose from the grave, and finally ascended bodily to heaven in the presence of a multitude of spectators. (A similar story is related of Jesus Christ.) In Indian art Krishna literally means “The Black.” (In early Christian art Jesus is almost invariably represented as a Black man.) Sir Godfrey Higgins made a thorough investigation of the pictures and images of Black Infants and Madonnas in the cathedrals of Europe.

“[I]n all the Romish countries of Europe,” says he, “in France, Italy, Germany &c., the God Christ, as well as his mother, are described in their old pictures and statues to be black. The infant God in the arms of his black mother, his eyes and drapery white, is himself perfectly black. If the reader doubt my word, he may go to the cathedral at Moulins—to the famous chapel of the Virgin at Loretto—to the church of the Annunciata—the church of St. Lazaro, or the church of St. Stephen at Genoa—to St. Francisco at Pisa—to the church at Brixen, in the Trol, and to that at Padua—to the church of St. Theodore, at Munich, in the two last of which the whiteness of the eyes and teeth, and the studied redness of the lips, are very observable;—to a church and to the cathedral at Augsburg, where are a black virgin and child as large as life: to Rome, and the Borghese chapel Maria Maggiore—to the Pantheon—to a small chapel of St. Perer’s, on the right-hand side on entering, near the door; and, in fact, to almost innumerable other churches, in countries professing the Romish religion,

There is scarcely an old church in Italy where some remains of the worship of the BLACK VIRGIN and BLACK CHILD are not to be met with. Very often the black figures have given way to white ones, and in these cases the black ones, as being held sacred, were put into retired places in the churches, but were not destroyed, and are yet to be found there. …

When the circumstance has been named to the Romish priests, they have endeavored to disguise the fact, by pretending that the child had become black by the smoke of the candles; but it was black where the smoke of the candle never came: and, besides, how came the candles not to blacken the white of the eyes, the teeth, and the shirt, and how came they to redden the lips? … Their real blackness in not to be questioned for a moment. …

A black virgin and child among the white Germans, Swiss, French and Italians!!!10

Krishna was the second person in the Hindu Trinity, which consisted of:—(1) Brahma, (2) Vishnu and (3) Siva. Krishna was the human incarnation of Vishnu. (Jesus Christ is considered to be the second person in the Christian Trinity.)

The close parallels between the life-stories of Buddha and Christ are just as remarkable as those between Krishna and Christ. Buddha11 was born of a virgin name Maya, or Mary. His birthday was celebrated on December 25. He was visited by wise men who acknowledged his divinity. The life of Buddha was sought by King Bimbasara, who feared that some day the child would endanger his throne. At the age of twelve, Buddha excelled the learned men of the temple in knowledge and wisdom. His ancestry was traced back to Maha Sammata, the first monarch in the world. (Jesus’ ancestry is traced back to Adam, the first man in the world.) Buddha was transfigured on a mountain top. His form was illumined by as aura of bright light. (Jesus was likewise transfigured on a mountain top. “And his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light.”12 After the completion of his earthly mission, Buddha ascended bodily to the celestial realms.

Mithra,13 a Persian sun-god, was virgin-born, in a cave, on December 25. His earliest worshippers were shepherds, and he was accompanied in his travels by twelve companions. The Mithraists kept the sabbath day holy and celebrated the Eucharist by eating wafers embellished with a cross. The great Mithraic festivals were the Birth (Christmas) and the Resurrection (Easter).

Adonis14 or Tammuz of Babylonia was also born of a virgin. He died a cruel death, descended into hell, arose from the tomb and ascended to heaven. In a mid-summer festival, the worshippers of Adonis wept over an effigy of the dead god which was washed with water, anointed day the Resurrection was re-enacted, after which the crowd shouted: “The Lord is Risen.” Finally his ascension was simulated in the presence of his devotees.

Attis15 of Phrygia was called the Good Shepherd, and was said to be the son of the virgin Nana. It is reported that Attis, when in his prime, mutilated himself and bled to death under a sacred pine tree. The Festivals of the Death and Resurrection of Attis were staged by his worshippers from March 22 through March 25. A pine tree was cut on March 22, and an image of the god was tied to the trunk. He was shown as “slain and hanged on a tree.”16 Then the effigy was buried in a tomb. On the night of March 24, the priests opened the tomb and found it empty. The Resurrection of Attis was celebrated on March 25. His followers were baptized in blood, thereby having their sins washed away, and they were therefore declared to have been “born again.”

Strange as it may seem, the Aztecs of ancient Mexico likewise could boast of a crucified savior. Quetzalcoatl17 was born of a virgin, and also, like Jesus, was tempted and fasted for forty days. He is shown in the Borgian Ms., on a cross, with nail marks on his hands and feet. He is depicted as a man of sable hue. After being crucified, he rose from the dead and went into the East. The Mexicans were expecting his Second Coming when the Spaniards invaded the country in the sixteenth century.



Gerald Massey, The Historical Jesus and the Mythical Christ or Natural Genesis and Typology of Equinoctial Chistolatry (London: 1936), pp. 42–43. For an exhaustive treatment, see Massey’s book A Book of the Beginnings Containing an Attempt to Recover and Reconstitute the Lost Origins [sic] of the Myths and Mysteries, Types and Symbols, Religion and Language, with Egypt for the Mouthpiece and Africa as the Birthplace, 2 vols. (Secaucas, NJ: University Books Inc., 1974). Other valuable references are Samuel Sharpe’s Egyptian Mythology; James Bonwick’s Egyptian Belief and Modern Thought; James G. Frazer’s Adonis, Attis, Osiris Studies in the History of Oriental Religion, 3rd ed., (New York: St. Martin, 1976); and T. W. Doane’s Bible Myths.
Osiris was the great Egyptian god of the underworld and the judge of the dead.
Krishna was the eighth avatar (incarnation) of Vishnu and one of the most widely worshipped of the Hindu gods.
Protevagelion in The Apocryphal New Testament, being all the Gospels, Epistles, and Other Pieces now Extant, Attributed in the First Four Centuries to Jesus Christ, His Apostles, and Their Companions, and not Included in The New Testament by its Compilers (New York: Peter Eckler Publishing Co., 1927).
1 and 2 Infancy in The Apocryphal New Testament.
Luke 2:1–3, 5
According to Matthew 2:16.
Thomas Inman, M.D., Ancient Faiths Embodied in Ancient Names, vol. 1 p. 441; cited by T. W. Doane in Bible Myths, p. 186.
Nicodemus in The Apocryphal New Testament.
Higgins, Anacalypsos, vol. 1, pp. 138–139.
Buddha is said to have been a mortal sage, whose name was Siddhartha Gautama (563–483 B.C.). He was surnamed Buddha, “the awakened (enlightened).”
Matthew 17:2.
Mithra was a fifth century B.C. Persian god of light, who aided in the struggle with the powers of darkness.
Adonis, a classical Greek mythology, a youth of remarkable beauty, a favourite of the goddess Aphrodite, symbolizing the cycle of growing seasons.
Attis (Atys), a deity worshipped in Phrygia, and later throughout the Roman empire, in conjunction with the Great Mother of the Gods.
Cf. New Testament:—Acts 5:30.
Quetzalcoatl (Feathered Serpent), a great Toltec deity, a god of the air, and in legend a saintly ruler and civilizer.


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March 10, 2007


Was Jesus Christ a Negro?

A Rationalistic Review

By John G. Jackson (1933)


“That an imaginative and superstitious race of black men should have invented and founded, in the dim obscurity of past ages, a system of religious belief that still enthralls the minds and clouds the intellects of the leading representatives of modern theology—that still clings to the thoughts and tinges with its potential influence the literature and faith of the civilized and cultured nations of Europe and America, is indeed a strange illustration of the mad caprice of destiny, of the insignificant and apparently trivial causes that oft produce the most grave and momentous results.”



A little over a half century ago Kersey Graves created quite a furor in the orthodox religious circles by writing a book which flaunted the sensational title of The World’s 16 Crucified Saviors. One of the most interesting parts of the book is a section in which the author discusses the racial identity of Jesus and offers evidence that the Christian Savior was a black man. The passage referred to reads as follows:

There is as much evidence that the Christian Savior was a black man, or at least a dark man, as there is of his being the son of the Virgin Mary, or that he once lived and moved upon the earth. And that evidence is the testimony of his disciples, who had nearly as good an opportunity of knowing what his complexion was as the evangelists who omit to say anything about it.

In pictures and portraits of Christ by the early Christians he is uniformly represented as being black. To make this more certain a red tinge is given to the lips; and the only test in the Christian bible quoted by orthodox Christians as describing his complexion represents it as being black.

Solomon’s declaration, I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem’ (Sol, I, 5), is often cited as referring to Christ. According to the bible itself, then, Jesus Christ was a black man. Let us suppose that at some future time he makes his second advent to the earth, as some Christians anticipate he will do, and that he comes in the character of a sable messiah, how would he be received by our Negro hating Christians of sensitive olfactory nerves. Would they worship a Negro God?

The question might arise in the mind of the reader: “Well, the argument of Kersey Graves sounds plausible enough, but really we need a great deal more corroborative evidence before we can give his conclusions more than palling notice?” This question, the writer believes, is justified. In questions of historical controversy only the most careful consideration of evidence should satisfy us.

To say that the early pictures and images of the Virgin Mary and the infant Jesus represent them with black complexions is not enough. Our statement must be backed up by archaeological evidence. This evidence, fortunately, was collected by the Great British Orientalist, Sir Godfrey Higgins, and has been preserved for posterity in his monumental work, The Anacalypsis, or An Inquiry into the Origin of Languages, Nations and Religions.

Sir Godfrey Higgins informs us that “In all the Romish (Catholic) countries of Europe, France, Italy, Germany, etc., the God Christ, as well as his mother, are described in their old pictures to be black. The infant God in the arms of his black mother, his eyes and drapery white, is himself perfectly black. If the reader doubts my word he may go to the Cathedral at Moulins—to the famous Chapel of the Virgin at Loretto—to the Church of the Annunciata—the Church at St. Lazaro or the Church of St. Stephen at Genoa—to St. Francisco at Pisa—to the Church at Brixen in Tyrol and to that at Padua—to the Church of St. Theodore at Munich—to a church and to the Cathedral at Augsburg, where a black virgin and child as large as life—to Rome and the Borghese chapel of Maria Maggiore—to the Pantheon—to a small chapel of St. Peters on the right hand side on entering, near the door; and in fact, to almost innumerable other churches in countries professing the Romish religion.

“There is scarcely an old church in Italy where some remains of the worship of the black virgin and black child are not to be met with. Very often the black figures have given way to white ones and in these cases the black ones, as being held sacred, were put into retired places in the churches, but were not destroyed, and are yet to be found there…

“When the circumstance has been named to the Romish priests they have endeavored to disguise the fact by pretending that the child had become black by the smoke of candles; but it was black where the smoke of a candle never came and, besides, how came the candles not to blacken the white of the eyes, the teeth and the shirt, and to redden the lips? Their real blackness is not to be questioned.

“… A black virgin and child among the white Germans, Swiss, French and Italians” (The Anacalypsis, Vol. I, Book IV, Chap.I). My friend, Mr. J.A. Rogers, the well-known traveler and journalist, has seen quite a large number of these black images of the Madonna and infant in his European travels and has discovered that some of the images possess African features. Evidently early Christians must have thought that Jesus Christ was a member of the Ethiopian race or they would not have so stressed the dark hue of the skin of the Savior and his mother in their pictures and statues.

According to Christian dogma, Jesus is the Son of God. Since children are, as a rule, similar in complexion to their parents it is reasonable to assume that God also is black. This conclusion is both logical and scientific. “There is a strong reason the think,” declares Joseph McCabe, “that man was at first very dark of skin, wooly haired and flat nosed.” And since the bible tells us that man was created in God’s image, then beyond all doubt God must be of dark complexion with unmistakably African features.

Some of my friends have suggested that should it be generally believed in these United States that either Jesus or Jehovah was of sable hue that the Christian church would soon go out of business. They reason that white citizens of the nation, on account of race prejudice, would have absolutely no use for a black God: and the colored citizens would not have any confidence in an Ethiopian God who had so long neglected his own race of people. However, I do not think such a situation will come to pass, for the overwhelming majority of people do not believe what is plausible or what is true; they believe what is comforting or pleasing.

John G. Jackson Virtual Museum | Virtual Museums of the Masters
FRONTal View: An Electronic Journal of African Centered Thought
NBUF Homepage | DuBois Learning Center Homepage


March 10, 2007




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Dieser Bruder kann in der Tradition der schwarzen Prediger und des Malcolm predigen X! Kein Dose der Schwarzminister heute heraus Prediger Farrakan!
Samstag, den 3. März 2007
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O.J. Simpson Schlurfen: Alle für die Liebe einer weißen Frau
Er betet an ändern an, welcher weißer Blicke mögen!
OJ Simpson, Kobe Bryant, Holz des Tiger-(Negrito) mit allen seine toothas und Michael sind Amerikas kontinuierlicher Beweis, daß ausgedehnte grinsende lapdogs im 21. Jahrhundert bestehen. Wenn du nicht weißt, was ein „lapdog“ ist, etwas Messwert tun. Amerika kann zu seiner Bevölkerung veranschaulichen, die Schwarze nie das Aalen in der Neigung ihrer Meister gestoppt haben. Simpson Standplätze, bevor Herr Supremacy Submissivelykopf etwas entsprochen und Bruno Magli verbog-Armani, das beschuht wurde, um die Bevorzugungen und die Neigung seiner Meister zu empfangen. Er ist comedic Mittel darstellt für Kaukasier mit „herauf in-d-stößt“ funniness und Witze.
Buch vorhanden: ICH Buchhändler
OkayClarence Thomas, Tiger Woods, Michael Jackson und Kobe Bryant: Du dienst Feinde, die der LORD gegen dich, in Hunger und in Durst sendet, und in der Nacktheit und wünschst innen von allen Sachen: Und er setzt ein Joch des Eisens nach deinem Ansatz, bis sie dich zerstört haben. Du hast ein Ausfallen der Augen und sorge des Verstandes.
Einige Jahren Rechtsanwalt F. Simpsons Schutze Bailey erklärten vor Phasen Larry King CNNs, daß Simpson einen Liegendetektor Test nehmen würde, um zu prüfen, daß seine Unschuld jedermann war bereit, $3 Million als „Belohnung Geld“ oben zu setzen, um den wirklichen Mörder auszufüllen lieferte. Simpson und Denise, die Braun-sein Ex-Schwester-ingesetz auf den Fuchs-Nachrichten argumentierte, die Phasen sind, während Simpson ihn und Denise nie entlang erhalten behauptete, weil sie Geschlecht mit ihm haben wollte. Das „Versuch des Jahrhunderts“ d.h. „amerikanische verlassene Gerechtigkeit-System“ – wurde verpfuscht, als seine Taktiken ein Durchgehen von der schwarzen Gemeinschaft verfolgen nicht konnten.
Schwarze Männer, die weiße Frauen heiraten, erwerben Weiße durch ihren Gatten. Die, die außerhalb ihrer ethnischen Gruppe verbinden, suchen, mit sie keinem kulturellen oder rassischen Stolz zu holen. Sie greifen an der psychologischen weißen Statusdarstellung durch ihre Partner. Wenn Kinder geboren sind, beschriftet die weiße Mutter die Kinder „gemischtrassig“, um das Sekundärteilchen von ihrem afrikanischen Erbe zu überholen. Indem es ihnen einen Aufkleber gibt, hilft es, den Schlag auf ihrem Medium ihres Kontaktes mit einem schwarzen Mann zu verringern. Indem Sie sagen, daß du etwas bist, dich, nicht sein validiert innerhalb deines Verstandes den irreführenden Begriff, zum in das Geschäft von beschworen herauf fehlerhafte rassische Klassifikationen zu einsteigen.
Amerikanisches Gesetz war defekt, weil es nicht funktionierte, um das Nigger zu hängen, das eine weiße Frau heiratete. Was schlechter in den Mitteln Sehvermögen-, die zu einer weißen Frau oder zu einem Töten war eine verbunden wurden, weiße Frau? Es kochte ganz unten zu den weißen Männern, die an der einzigen Sache greifen, die sie link-ihre Fähigkeit hatten, das kaukasische Rennen zu kopieren. Weiße Frauen am Gebärenalter vertreten 2% der globalen Bevölkerung. Die schwindenen kaukasischen Geburtenziffern verursachen Entvölkerung von Weiß, während sie vom Gesicht der Masse verschwinden.
Schwarze Männer erhalten hoffnungslos und Laune am Gedanken des Verlierens eines weiße Frau-ein geschätzten Besitzes. Die weiße Frau ist ein Trophäebesitz des grossen Spiels für schwarze Männer geworden, die eine psychologische egoistische Erhöhung benötigen. Die weißen Frauhilfen brechen Kastesperren und lassen schwarze Männer kaukasische GLEICHSTELLUNG nachahmen. OJ steht, wie ein Modell für andere schwarze Männer, die auf kaukasischem Sozialmimicry-d der gleiche Mimicry vorwärtskommen, durch die litt, die im weißen Reich der Gesellschaft eingeschlossen werden möchten. Grübchen Tragenplastikmann Michael Jackson und schwarzer Gesicht-weißer InnenTiger Woods, Kobe Bryant, wie Simpson, leiden unter der gleichen kaukasischen Sozialdeformation.
Amerika baumelte Simpson vor der öffentlichkeit, um zu sagen: „Weiße Frau, Blick, was dir geschieht, wenn du nachläufst einen schwarzen Mann.“ Der gehagelte „Versuch des Jahrhunderts“ wurde gerade eine andere Methode, zum von Renneninteraktionen zu regulieren. Die Mittel hatten bereits Simpson für den Mord an Nicole mit dem Beweis überführt, der durch die Verfolgung dargestellt wurde. Weiß litt unter Nachbeben, als der Simpson Urteilsspruch unten übergeben wurde.
Die amerikanische Presse wiederholt die Meinungen vom alten schützen-d Amerikaner-staunchly beladene Weiß-Mit Seiten versehene Meinungen. Simpson hing vom Gerichtssystem des albernen Rechtsstreites und gefunden sofort „noosed herauf“ in einem Zivilversuch, in dem er verantwortlich durch das US Gerichtssystem für die Todesfälle von Nicole Simpson und von Ronald Goldman gefunden wurde; so Doppeltes erklärenden OJS erhielt Gefahr-Er nicht die Freiheit, um „das Fünftel zu plädieren.“ Der Reihe nach plädiert er, „dummes ausgedehntes grinsendes Lapdog“, wann immer die Lichter eingeschaltet sind und die Kameras Rollen „das Simpson Schlurfen entlang“ sind – die weiße Frau noch jagen, während ihre forbearers versuchen, ihn durch seine Bruno Magli Schuhe von einem Seil mit einem Zeichen zu hängen, das betitelt wird „dummen Stammering Simpson.“ Wir verwenden dich, um darzustellen, an schwarze Männer, die die kontinuierlichen „sich erinnern, daß du dummer Tanz bist: “ Schlurfen entlang.
Es gibt einen neuen Weltauftrag. Die von dir, die unter einer kaukasischen Sozialdeformation leiden, sollten Aufmerksamkeit nehmen. Wenn du in das Weißegeschäft einsteigst, zweimal denken, bevor Sie auf dem Steuerknüppel hochziehen und deine Räder verlieren. Da du deine schwarzen und braunen Rennenangreifer gegenüberstellst, beträgst du nur bis 8% der globalen Bevölkerung.
M. Stewart.
Copyright © 2002 – 2007. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
Verbessert: 01/01/07.
Samstag, den 3. März 2007
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Ich bin Daten deines Babys: Nachgemachter kaukasischer Anschluß
Homo (Mann) Occidentalis (europäische oder westliche Hemisphäre) werden als biologische Identität bedroht. Ergiebigkeitrate ist gut unterhalb der Wiedereinbauniveaus in Europa und in den Vereinigten Staaten, aber schreit Ring heraus von meinen Land tis ein Gebühr süsses Land der Freiheit, zum des Bevölkerung Wachstums in den Ländern außerhalb Europas und des Nordc$amerika-verschwindens durch Unfruchtbarkeit zu steuern.
Die Graphik ist von Cheops – 4. Dynastie-Pharao und Erbauer der großen Pyramide. Samenzellenzählimpulse sind durch fast einen Third in 10 Jahren entsprechend dem verbundenen eindrücken 2004 gefallen.
LONDON (AFP) – männliche Samenzellenzählimpulse sind durch fast einen Third seit 1989 gefallen. Eine übersicht von 7.500 Männern, die die Aberdeen Ergiebigkeit-Mitte in Nordschottland zwischen 1989 und 2002 sich sorgten, holte alarmierende Entdeckungen. Analyse der Samenzellenproben zeigte, daß in Männer mit was als eine „normale“ Konzentration der Samenzellen gilt – definiert wie über 20 Million Samenzellen pro Milliliter Samen – durchschnittlichen Samenzellen der Zählimpuls durch 29 Prozent fiel.
„Hat gewesen eine Zunahme der Männer, die Behandlung für männliche Unfruchtbarkeit, aber suchen, ob dieses an einer bedeutenden Zunahme dieser Bedingung liegt, oder weil Männer neue Techniken berücksichtigen, die entwickelt worden sind, um ihnen zu helfen, wir nicht sagen können.“
Blondine-Haar-Leute verschwinden und werden in 200 Jahren ausgestorben sein.
Neue Forschung schlägt vor, daß Leute mit dem Blondinehaar in 200 Jahren vollständig ausgestorben sind. Blondinehaar tritt nur in den Leuten von Nordeuropa auf. Das Blondinegen, das Blondinehaarfarbe verursacht, muß auf beiden Seiten der Familie und entsprechend der Weltgesundheitsorganisation sein, dort ist jetzt too few Leute, die sie tragen. Professor Jonathan Rees von der Edinburgh Universität führt eine zweijährige Studie in die Genetik der Blondinen. Wissenschaftler sagen, Blondinen am längsten in Skandinavien überleben, in dem sie konzentriert sind, und sie sagen voraus, daß das letzte lebendige aus Finnland kommt.
Jonathan Rees – Grant Professor der Dermatologie
Die Universität von Edinburgh – RIE, 1. Stock, Lauriston Gebäude
Lauriston Platz, Edinburgh, EH3 9YW
Telefon: 44 (0) 131 536 2041 – Telefax 44 (0) 131 229 8769
(Quelle: WDIV – Detroit Führung 4 – 27. September 2002)
Der Westen unter-reproduziert und ist unbestreitbar. Ergiebigkeitrate ist historisch niedrig-unter den Wiedereinbauniveaus und schaut ganz wie, was Wirtschaftswissenschaftler nennen eine „niedrige Gleichgewichtfalle.“ Kulturelle Einheiten, die das überleben einer Gruppe sind zerbrechlicher sicherstellen, als jedermann scheint zur Zeit zu verwirklichen. Sobald sie zerbrochen werden, können sie nicht mit Bargeldbeihilfe für Kindlager oder besseren Kindertagesstätte-Service oder das Verbieten von Abtreibung und von Verteilung der empfängnisverhütender Mittel ersetzt werden.
Die Westdeutschen und die Dänen z.B. haben die Gesamtergiebigkeitrate (1.3 nähernd, wo 2.1 Kinder pro Frau schließlich angefordert werden, die Bevölkerung von der Schrumpfung zu halten). In der Tat sind viele der europäischen Nordnationen bereits absolut – vornehmlich, die Westdeutschen, die Schweden, die Norditaliener und die Dänen schrumpfend. In den Vereinigten Staaten stellt der Nordosten Norden-Europäisch-Art Gesamtergiebigkeit-Rate aus, und das TFRs von Connecticut und von Massachusetts nähern insbesondere sich dem niedrigsten nationalen bis jetzt beobachteten TFRs d.h. die von Dänemark und von Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
So es gibt das Überschreiten von Caucasoid-jenen der nordischen oder europäischen Nordwestursprung. Michael Bradley öffnet sein Buch auf dem Caucasoid Problem (die Iceman Erbschaft, Warner Books, 1981) so:
Lassen Sie uns sehen, wenn wir den vorhergehenden Punkt besser verstehen können. Selbst wenn Abtreibung und empfängnisverhütende Mittel in Europa und in den US verboten wurden, würde die weiße Geburtenrate ruhig unterhalb der Wiedereinbauniveaus bleiben. Beginnend mit dem neuen Jahrtausend geben die US eine Steuergutschrift für alle Kinder unter dem Alter von einem. Mit dem im Verstand, lief ich über einen Artikel, der in erschien (Ritter, Malcolm, Detroit Nachrichten, 30. Okt. 2000. „Y-Chromosom unter Bereich,“ 4A). „Die Arbeit über die DNA Reihenfolge des Y-Chromosoms, Forschern zu helfen, über Ursachen der männlichen Unfruchtbarkeit zu erlernen, weil es ihnen hilft, Gene zu kennzeichnen, die Männer benötigen, um Samenzellen zu bilden“ – wir wissen, daß sie über WEISSE Männer sprechen.
Chromosomen bilden Gene und Genfamilien und -gene helfen, Samenzellenschlüssel zum Verschwinden des kaukasischen Gens zu bilden. Das Hasten und das Scampering wie Albinoratten, um das „Y“ schematisch zu studieren und außer dem weißen Gen Swimbehälter ist das heißeste kaukasische Rezept für das Bilden der weißen Babys, da europäische und amerikanische Wissenschaftler den neuesten Affen in einer Schlauch-Primas-nähsten Sache des Tests dennoch zu einem Mensch Wesen früh 2001 produzieren.
„Rassismus selbst ist eine Prädisposition von aber ein Rennen Menschheit – das weiße Rennen. Rassismus hat seine Ursprung in der Vorgeschichte des weißen Rennens alleine. Wir schreiben verschiedene Drohungen unseres überlebens einem bewußten und Selbst-schützenden Euphemismus zu. Caucasoid Verhalten, Caucasoid Werte und Caucasoid Psychologie haben dem Verschwinden des weißen Rennens zugeschrieben. Das Problem mit der Welt ist weiße Männer“ (p 3).
Johann Friedrich Blumenbach erfand den Titel „Kaukasier“ 1795 in der dritten Ausgabe sein-Auf der natürlichen Vielzahl der Menschheit. Er nahm den Namen von der Einfassung Kaukasus. Er war dadurch, daß Region, die er voraussetzte, die ursprünglichen Formen der Menschheit war. So „Kaukasier“ verweist z.Z. ausschließlich auf Leute, die vom Kaukasus sind? Weiß bedeutet heute Leute des europäischen Abfalls. Ist die eine falsche Bezeichung? Regionen und Länder, die überwiegend weiß sind oder hauptsächlich vom europäischen Geschlecht oder von der westlichen Kultur, schließen Europa, Rußland, die US, Kanada, Argentinien, Uruguay, Australien und Neuseeland mit ein.
Der Grund der Kaukasus hatte solch eine Anziehung zu Blumenbach und andere Zeitgenossen der 18. und 19. Jahrhunderte wegen seiner Nähe zur Einfassung Ararat, in der entsprechend biblischer Legende, die Arche Noahs waren, die schließlich nach der überschwemmung gelandet wurde. Blumenbach glaubte, daß die ursprünglichen Menschen Licht-enthäutet wurden, hatte der die Kaukasier diese Weiße als Konstante behalten, und diese Schwärzung der Haut war ein Zeichen der änderung von der Vorlage. Das Konzept des kaukasischen Rennens und seiner angegebenen oder implizierten überlegenheit über anderen Rennen war als moralische Entschuldigung für Kolonialismus durch westeuropäische Länder häufig benutzt.
Er legte den Text für allgemeine Verteilung 1776 neu auf. Nicht ist sie, die eine übereinstimmung dort drei Dokumente die Portion 1776 waren, zum US Eurocentric von Geschichte zu formen? 1) Thomas Jeffersons Unabhängigkeitserklärung (auf der Politik der Freiheit); 2) Adam Smith Fülle von Nationen (auf der Volkswirtschaft von Individualismus); und 3) Abhandlung Blumenbachs auf rassische Klassifikation (auf der Wissenschaft der menschlichen Verschiedenartigkeit).
Außerhalb Vereinigten Staaten von den Leuten mit undiscernible afrikanischer Beimischung gelten „als Weiß,“, während die des geringfügigen afrikanischen Aussehens häufig „farbiges“ oder gemischtes Rennen – eine umfassende Bezeichnung für Leute des mehrfachen rassischen Erbes genannt werden. In Kuba, in der Dominikanischen Republik und in Brasilien werden sogar die des deutlich sichtbaren teilweisen afrikanischen Geschlechtes, betrachtet oder halten „für Weiß.“ In lateinischem Amerika wird die Farbe Situation vom anderen Ende der Skala genähert: Ein einzelner Tropfen des europäischen Bluts wird gesehen, um eine Person mit wahrnehmbarem afrikanischem Erbe unvermeidlich weiß zu werden, damit er nicht unabänderlich schwarz ist. Durch Kontrast auf Europa und Australien mittlere Ostländer und Nordafrikaner werden nie als Weiß betrachtet oder kategorisiert. Stattdessen werden sie als rassische Minoritäten betrachtet.
Afrikans waren Nachkommen von Noah durch Schinken, dessen Söhne Cush (Äthiopien-Nubia), Misraim (Kemet oder altes Ägypten), Phut (Somalia) und Canaan (Palästina) waren. Die Söhne von Cush, entsprechend dem biblischen Konto, vereinbarten in Westasien, der sogenannte Mittlere Osten, „das `, das nach Osten durch die östliche Niederlassung des Euphrats und des persischen Golfs gesprungen wurden, Süden durch Arabien oder das arabische Meer, Westen durch das rote Meer und das Ägypten und Norden durch Canaan und Syrien und in Afrika selbst. Ägypter und die äthiopiere wurden in der gleichen Regierung vereinigt und wurden bald die gleichen Leute in den Politiken, in der Literatur und in den Eigenheiten.
Der Teil der Masse, die zuerst bevölkert wurde, nach Adam und Vorabend hatte linkes Paradies, war das Land von Äthiopien, auf dem Fluß Gihon, der vom Garten von Eden erlosch, „, das compasseth das vollständige Land (oder Land) von Äthiopien,“ 4003 Jahre vor Christ. Die Kinder von Äthiopien waren von Adam zu Noah“ und durch Nachkommen Noahs. (James W.C. Pennington, ein Text-Buch des Ursprung und der Geschichte, etc. etc. der Farbigen Hartford, CT: L. Abdecker, Drucker, 1841; Neuauflage Detroit: Schwarze-Geschichte Presse)
Amerikaner sind führen, um zu glauben gewesen, daß schwarze Geschichte mit Sklaverei im Amerika begann. Anstelle von der schwarzen Geschichte, die auf dem Ursprung des Mannes zurückgeht, hat sie gewordene Afrikanisch-Amerikanische Geschichte-ein „vollerblühte“ faszinierende Geschichte des Tanzens und singende glückliche Leute in der Baumwolle fangen auf. Während der unserer fünfziger Jahre und der sechziger Jahre revered älteste wurden gegeben den ersten und letzten Namens„Jungen.“ Schwarze Mütter und Großmütter hielten den Titel „Gallone.“ Die schematischen Titel spezifizierten Segmente, wenn sie den schwarzen „Haß thyself Medium“ Brainteaser züchteten. Die Puzzlespielstücke haben die self-satisfied, Gehirnwäsche vorgenommenen Schüler produziert, das a$$es werden gedient auf silbernen Servierplatten im Benzos, in Lexus-sein-uns und in den Jeeps ist, die oben hinter Metallstäben wickeln.
Sie einstufen, wie subhuman. In 1906 Massen baute um die Affehausausstellung am New York zoologischen Park zusammen. Waren hier „Entwicklungsvorfahren“ des Mannes – Affen, Schimpansen, ein Gorilla, der Dinah genannt wurden, ein orangutan genanntes Dohung und ein afrikanischer Pygmy, der Ota Benga genannt wurde.
Das weiße sterile Klima hat die Gehirnfasern getrennt, weiße Menschen PRODUZIEREND, während schwarzes Leben bleibt „nicht menschlich.“ Benga wurde vom belgischen Kongo 1904 vom afrikanischen Forscher Samuel Verner zusammen mit anderen Pygmies geholt und angezeigt in einer Ausstellung in der Messe 1904 der St. Louis Welt. Nachdem die St. Louis Ausstellung, Ota am Bronx Zoo unter der Richtung von Dr. William T. Hornaday sich fand, der „sah anscheinend keinen Unterschied zwischen einem wilden Tier und dem kleinen schwarzen Mann.“ Heutige Geschichte hat seine ähnlichkeiten zum frühen 1900′ S. Das schwarze nicht menschliche Konzept herscht vor.
Die Fälle von Amadou Diallo und von Rodney König betrachten. Diallo wurde 41mal durch das NYPD- „sicherstellen geschossen, daß das Nigga ist totes Drehbuch.“ König wurde getadelt für das Los Angeles randaliert d.h. den „Rodney König Uprising.“ Die Jagd-, Sicherungs- und Tötungphilosophie ist auf Ziel als die weißen Jäger, capturers, und Morde waren fanden-nicht schuldig!!! Da das neue Jahrtausend herum rollte, verwendet Weiß nicht mehr das Herabsetzen betitelt „Jungen“ und „Gallone.“ Wir sind das gettin’, das anrufend „b beschäftigt ist! + (h-a$$ Hacken.“ Die Lyriken sind verstärkt worden, um Gehirnwäsche bei Jugend in Gefühl vorzunehmen, das sie der „Cool-A$$“ Abschaum des mit berechnet zu werden sind Masse-ein Titels.
Die kaukasische Theorie hinter schwarzes Rennen-Theoretisieren decodieren. Euro-Amerikaner leben mit der Täuschung, daß sie eine weltweite Majorität sind; dennoch nur 8 Prozent von Daten des globalem bilden Bevölkerung-ICh morgens deines Babys. Weiße nationalistische Gruppen sind in der Furcht vor Vernichtung. Zur arischen Web site der Nation gehen und Warnungen über die Zukunft des weißen Rennens lesen, das in den Gebärmüttern von 2 Prozent seiner Gebärenalter Weißfrauen ist. Global riskiert das weiße Rennen „genetische Farbe Beseitigung.“ Anwenden, was du über die dominierenden und rückläufigen Gene in der 9. Grad-Biologie erlernt hast. Europa hat kleiner als eine 2-Prozent-Geburtenrate pro Jahr. Caucasoid-8 pro Mitten stellen die Welt mit einer Geringfügig-vonhandtat mit „statistischen Zahlen der Nichtwahrheit.“ dar Die statistische Maximierung multipliziert die schwindenen Zahlen des weißen Rennens.
Das folgende lesen: Tod des Westens durch Pat Buchanan. Er ist ein weißer Mann, der kennt das „reale Abkommen.“ Sein Buch wird erwartet verboten zu werden.
Anmerkung: Sie nimmt immer eine weiße Person, um alles zu validieren.
Psychologisch in den Verstand einer unsuspecting einwohnerstarken Welt gepflanzt die Idee oder die Entwicklung vieler weißer Rennen ein. Weiß wird in rassisches Kategorie-Deutsches weißes Rennen, in englisches weißes Rennen, in französisches weißes Rennen, in russisches weißes Rennen, in etc. geteilt. Während der nachgemachte kaukasische Anschluß mitgeteilt wird, haben Autoren wie Cheikh Anta Diop, J ein Rogers, Ivan Van Sertima und ein Kanzler Williams die Demolierung der schwarzen Zivilisation erforscht. Durch die zugeschalteten und ersetzenden afrikanischen Namen mit den arabischen und europäischen Namen der Leute und der Sachen während des Altertums, sind schwarzes Hamites, Cushites, Hebräer und Canaanites nicht mehr schwarze Afrikaner. Die Titel sind unverzüglich vollerblühte kaukasische Buchstabe Hinweise. Afrikanische Geschichte ist die Geschichte der Araber (ein reklassifiziertes schwarzes Rennen) und der Europäer-nicht die Geschichte der Afrikaner geworden.
Anmerkung: Diops und Williams erforschten Beweis der europäischen Zivilisation lesen, die eine Ableitung der afrikanischen Ausführung ist. Diop hat den Mangel an archäologischen kaukasischen Probestücken vom Altertum geprüft.
Unsere moderne schriftliche Geschichte ist segmentierte/zersplitterte Version der Chroniken über kaukasische Menschen, die auf Masse für Tausenden Jahre lebten, bevor sie erlernten, ihre Gedanken im Schreiben zu notieren. Wie, afrikanische Leute sind, was jeder Mann gewesen sein muß bevor er erlernte zu lesen und zu schreiben, Tiere zu domestizieren, Getreide zu kultivieren und Metallwerkzeuge zu benutzen. Im wesentlichen ist afrikanische Geschichte verlassenes/geworfenes-heraus Seitenende, um Publikationen zu erforschen.
Europäer betraten Afrika und verwirklichte notierte afrikanische Chroniken wurden bereits auf dem vorderen Eingang bekanntgegeben. Europäer versuchten, archäologische Kunstprodukte zu zerstören, damit es keinen Beweis eines Negroid Ursprung geben würde. Wenn Leute an Altertum denken, sind ihre ersten Gedanken von der Bibel und vom Garten von Eden. Die frühen Bücher der Bibel wurden nicht völlig bis nach 7. Jahrhundert BC von den alten hebräischen (Negroid) Texten redigiert.
Es gibt keinen genauen Teil biblischen Text früh BC datiert als 3. Jahrhundert. Alte hebräische (Negroid) Texte wurden benutzt, um die christliche Bibel zu schreiben. In der „europäischen allgemeinhingesetzgebung“ notiert die „frommen“ und „die wissenschaftlichen“ Lehren, die für Beschwichtigung der weißen geschrieben werden (innere Sprach) Gewissenhaftigkeit, welche die „Weiß-Erste Theorie“ und „rechtfertigt, erhalten Blackward Theorie“ von Ursprung und von Wissen. Die Theorien werden allgemeinhin in der globalen Psyche eingebettet. Mit triftigem Grund kann kaukasische Theorie zu einem pristine GeheimOuthouse gleichgestellt werden.
Kaukasische Wissenschaftler lehnen ab, zu geben eine gültige Erklärung von, warum Schwarze ganz über der Weltaußenseite von Schwarz-Schwarzem Afrika verbreitet werden. Es gibt vermutlich mehr Argumente, zum des Aussehens der afrikanischen Schablonen und der Kunstprodukte in Mexiko und im Amerika zu zerstreuen. Christopher, den Columbus dem König von Portugal, „wir erklärte, sollte die geheimen Geschäftsweg Afrikaner verwenden haben verwendet seit 1310, zur neuen Welt zu reisen.“ Große Bevölkerungen von Schwarzen können in Südchina, in Mexiko, in Formosa, in Australien, malaysische Halbinsel, in Indien und in Indochina gefunden werden. Kaukasische Wissenschaftler lehnen ab, die Negroid Entdeckungen in frühem Europa zu erklären. Nach Ansicht der weißen Wissenschaftler die eingeborenen „Schwarzes in der Farbe“ Völker von Indien und Ozeanien haben „keinen bekannten Ursprung.“
Entsprechend Rogers veranschaulicht Altertum notierte Geschichte war Negroid, bis Europäer, sich in die ausgedehntere Welt von Afrika und von Asien während der 15. und 16. Jahrhunderte zu verlängern auftauchten und anfingen. Europa kolonisierte schwarze und braune Menschheit und schrieb bequem Geschichte neu, um zu zeigen, daß Europäer waren die einzigen Schöpfer „der Zivilisation.“ Die Fälle fanden 700 Jahre vor der „trügerischen kaukasischen Entdeckung“ von Amerika statt. Europäer bezogen sich auf afrikanische Könige wie Leiter, um sie, gleich zu bilden zu vermeiden europäischen Königen. Die Leiter konnten ihre Abstammungrückseite Tausenden Jahre verfolgen, als Rom nirgendwo war, auf das Diagramm gesehen zu werden. Sechzehn Jahrhunderte geführt worden, bevor Karl der Große in Europa und in Egbert anordnete, standen dem ersten König von England.
Sieben hundert Jahre mußten noch überschreiten, bevor die Nachrichten heraus über der Welt der Entdeckung von Amerika schellten. Menalik II „König der Könige,“ „Löwe von Judah“ (1923) kann zum König Solomon in der Bibel verfolgt werden deren Vorfahr Abraham-Vater aller Juden und Nachkommen Jesus war.
Die älteste königliche Familie in Europa war der Bourbon, der auf dem 9. Jahrhundert V. CHR. zurückgeht. Das folgende ist Englisch, das zurück zu William der Eroberer geht, der 1028 geboren war. Das Menelis kann zu Menelis I, zum Sohn von Solomon und zur Königin von Sheba oder zurück zu 930 zwischen Menelik I und Menelis II BC verfolgt werden und 2.793 Jahre ausdehnen. Abstammung Solomons wird in der Bibel zu Adam, würde geben Menelik fast 6000 Jahre notiertes Geschlecht verfolgt.
Entsprechend Diop bis die 4. Glazial- Epoche, die einzigen Menschen auf Masse das flat-nosed Negroid Rennen waren. Sie war nicht bis das vierte glaciation und dauerte 100.000 Jahre, die Negroid Rennenunterscheidungen und andere eindeutige Rennen auftraten.
Mycerinus (4. Dynastie)
Er errichtete die dritte Giza Pyramide.
Caucasoid Menschen haben den Ursprung der Zivilisation geändert. Sie wiederholen: Wir haben in der rassischen Technik geplantscht. Wir sind erfolgreich gewesen, wenn wir heraus die Massenanzahlen von amerikanischem eingeborenem abwischten. Wir haben uns und reklassifizierte Leute in unterschiedliche Rennen eingestuft. Wir sind erfolgreich gewesen, wenn wir fromme Philosophien änderten, um die Bedürfnisse des kaukasischen Rennens zu erfüllen. Wir sind in unseren wissenschaftlichen Labors beschäftigt, die versuchen, Leute mit blauen Augen, dem Blondinehaar und weißer Haut zu klonen. Wir haben biologische Mikrobekriegsführung eingeleitet, um Hilfsmittel zu produzieren und eine massive Anzahl von Schwarzen heraus global abzuwischen. Sicherlich und bei weitem das härtere Schicksal zu uns, die alle, die unser sehr betragen, können Löschung zu besitzen, das, das den Mann anschlägt, der ihn denkt, kann Natur überwinden ist. In der letzten Analyse verspotten wir nur Natur, weil wir im Augenblick der Löschung sind.
Durchführbar erfunden (4. Dynastie-afrikanische königliche Familie)
Ra-Hotep und Nofret – folgt nicht strenges Richtlinie-springen künstlerisches System.
Erfundene Wiedergabe
Folgt nicht altes
Ägyptens Richtlinie-Springen
Künstlerisches System
Britisches Museum – 18. Dynastie
Die ähnlichkeit in den Statuen beachten.
Ra-Hotep hat nicht auf einer Perücke, aber der 18. Dynastiemann.
Ra-Hotep ist eine Lattenfarbe, während das 18. Dynastiebild dunkelrot ist. (Diop sagt, daß die berühmte „dunkelrote Farbe“, zum der weißen Echtheit zu behaupten die Farbe der afrikanischen Schwarzen gerecht ist).
Ra-Hotep hat mdw ntr, nahe seinem Kopf zu schreiben; während das 18. Dynastiebild kein Schreiben nahe dem Kopf hat.
Ra-Hotep hat keinen Gegenstand in seiner linken Hand, und seine rechte Hand ist über seinem Kasten ohne einen Gegenstand.
Das 18. Dynastiebild hat seine rechte Hand auf seinem Schoß mit einem Gegenstand in ihm.
Ra-Hotep hat seinen Kiltriemen, auf seinem Schoß vollständig zu liegen, während das 18. Dynastiebild den Kiltriemen hat, gerade über dem waistline darzustellen.
Nofret hat auf einem diadem, während die 18. Dynastiefrau nicht.
Nofret trägt einen Mantel mit ihr die vollständig bedeckten Arme; während die 18. Dynastiefrau sie die vollständig herausgestellten Arme hat.
Nofret hat nicht einen Gegenstand in jeder Hand; während die 18. Dynastiefrau ein Tuch in ihrem links übergeben läßt.
Nofret hat mdw ntr, nahe, zu schreiben Kopf zu hören, während das weibliche Bild der 18. Dynastie nicht.
werden Ra-Hotep und Nofret mit unterschiedlichen einzelnen Sitzstatuen bildlich dargestellt, während das 18. Dynastiepaar wird in einem gemeinsamen Sitz bildlich dargestellt und Neigung zeigt.
Das Folgen ist ein Punkt, der durch einen gebildeten Gedanken des Web site Lesers (O. Tucker) gebildet wird I eine Menge Richtung. Er sagte: Wissenschaftler sagen, daß weiße Leute wegen der Klimafaktoren weiß sind. Wußtest du, wenn du das Haar weg eines polaren Bären rasierst, den die Haut unten SCHWARZ ist? Das ist Recht, die Entdeckung-Führung bestätigte sie zusammen mit anderen Quellen. Sie fahren auch fort, zu sagen, daß seine Haut schwarz ist, die Hitze der Sonne und des Hilfsmittels beim Halten warm in den kalten Klimata aufzusaugen. Jetzt, wenn ein polarer Bär ein Tier ist, das sich kalten Klimata angepaßt hat, aber die schwarze wenn er hat zu helfen Haut, sie warm hält, dann wie haben weiße Leute sich Kälte Klima-mit weißer Haut angepaßt? Über die einzige Sache, die in der weißen Haut sich verkündet, ist Albinism und die genau ist, was weiße Leute ……… Albinos sind. Durch den Unsinn sehen und verwirklichen, wem wirklich der genetische Defekt mit einem Unterlegenheitkomplex ist.
M. Stewart.
Copyright © 2002 – 2007. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
Verbessert: 01/01/07.
Samstag, den 3. März 2007
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Afrikaner schrieben die Bibel
Die Afrikaner, die die Bibel schrieben: Alte Geheimnisse Afrika und Christentum hat nie gesagt – bald kommend!
Zusammen mit Cheikh Anta Diop, Alex Darkwah verfolgt auch altes Ägypten nach geographisches Afrika. Darkwah hat DNA auf seiner Seite; während, Diop benutzte archäologische Kunstprodukte, Kultur und dokumentarischer Text aber noch mit seinen Entdeckungen herausgefordert wurden, die „untrue“ durch die wissenschaftliche Welt beschriftet wurden. Darkwah prüft, daß Afrikaner die Bibel schrieben, obwohl deine persönliche Bibel die Seiten haben kann, die mit weißen griechischen Buchstaben geschnürt werden und weltweit verteilt sind. Ich dachte, daß die folgenden Excerpts extrem interessant waren. Ein Web site Besucher schlug vor, daß ich das Buch des Darkwahs las. Dank des Web site Lesers, der vorschlug, daß ich meine Forschung nach Sub-Saharan Afrika begrenze. Du hast eine grössere Suche, um tieferes in Geheimhaltung Europas unserer Geschichte zu forschen begonnen und zu verschütten mehr Licht auf, wie die globale Welt in seiner gegenwärtigen Lage besteht.
Das Wort Israel selbst ist ein Akanwort (Ghana). Darkwah zeigt auf die Geschichte von Jacob in der Genese 32:24 – 29, wo der Engel Jacob umbenennt, der ihn Asrae oder die europäische Version anruft, Israel. Asrae, erklärt Darkwah, ist nicht der Name einer Nation, aber bedeutet anstatt „das erste, wer besuchte.“
Entsprechend Darkwah wenn du als christliche Frage die Bibel, du von deinem Pastor geführt wurdest, zu glauben, daß du Gott blaspheming. Hier gibt es einen Glauben gegen Argumentation Streit. Jetzt ist er in der Lage gewesen, in Glauben zu folgern. Ursprünglich hatte er gerade Glauben. Aber, da er mehr erlernte, fing er an, selbst in Glauben zu folgern.
Äthiopien und Ägypten werden mehr als alle mögliche anderen Länder in der Bibel erwähnt. Äthiopien bekannt in der Bibel als Cush. Ägypten bekannt als Mizraim. Mizraim und Cush sind zwei Söhne Schinken. Mizraim ist ÜbersetzenÄgypten und Cush Äthiopien. Viele Leser dieser Web site haben mit mir in Verbindung getreten, um zu argumentieren, daß Ägypten ein Land der weißen Leute ist. Sie schreiben… mich wissen, daß deine Ansicht unter afrikanischen amerikanischen Studierenarten allgemein ist, aber sie nicht scheint, durch historische Aufzeichnung heraus getragen zu werden. Die Pharaos und ihre Priester waren zweifellos nicht schwarz. Geht hier Glaube gegen wieder folgern. Das Romans kam nicht nach Ägypten bis 300 BC. Wir sprechen 6000 Jahre vorher das. Es gab keine weißen Leute, die vor der Rom Invasion anwesend sind. Das ursprüngliche Christentum von Ägypten wurde durch die Apostel Markierung in ANZEIGE 42 in Äthiopien hergestellt (koptisches Kirche-Koptisches orthodoxes Christentum). Wir sind erklärt worden, daß Christentum aus Rom kam. Kommt alles von Europa? Das ist, was wir geführt haben, um zu glauben.
LAND DES BLACKS-LAND DER BIBEL: Altes Ägypten bekannt eingeboren als Kemet (Land der Schwarzen). Alte ägypter haben ihre eigenen ancestral Ursprung festgelegt, um die Rwenzori Strecke anzubringen in die afrikanische Ostaufnahmevorrichtung, andernfalls bekannt als „Berge des Mondes.“ Ägyptische Zivilisation des einige anerkannten Rechnungssaldos kam aus Äthiopien heraus, das, wie eine Bezeichnung verwendet wurde, um den Landsüden von Ägypten (die obere Nil Senke) zu kennzeichnen oder wechselweise verwendet, um sich auf den gesamten afrikanischen Kontinent zu beziehen. Chronologisch Ägyptens war SüdnachbarNubia, das seine eigene eindeutige Zivilisation hatte, der Nil Senkevorgänger.
Juden glauben, daß sie gewählte Leute des Gottes wegen einer theological Idee die Nachkommen von Abraham, Isaac sind und Jacob (bekannt in den biblischen Zeiten als Israelite, später bekannt als Juden) die gewählten Leute sind. Sie kommt vom Buch von Genese, in dem Gott Abraham und seine Nachkommen für eine einzigartige Vereinbarung wählt. Die Vereinbarung mit einbezogenen bestimmten Verpflichtungen von seiten der Leute und versprachen bestimmte Sachen von seiten des Gottes. Europäische Juden glauben, daß diese Vereinbarung ist noch in Wirklichkeit HeuteJuden sind noch „gewählte Leute.“ Sie kann die Frage, warum die Juden eingestuftes Weiß, sogar mit ihrem verworren-buschigen Haar, swarthy Haut gewesen sind, und die erweiterten Nasen auch beantworten.
Die Hauptsachen seines Buches sind:
Amerikaner und Europäer nehmen an, daß die Bibel über sie ist, aber die Bibel ist über meine alten Vorfahren und mich ….. Alex Darkwah
Modern-Tagjuden sehen die Bibel als Aufzeichnung ihrer Geschichte, weil der König James Bible auf der Geschichte von Israel zentriert wird.
Die jüdischen Europäer Und Amerika tragen noch afrikanische Stammes- Namen. Sie tragen die Namen ihrer Vorfahren, die Afrikaner waren.
Statistisch sind die Lemba Leute von Südostafrika jüdischer als europäische Juden. In einem bestimmten Lemba Clan, der als der Buba Clan bekannt ist, tragen 53 Prozent der Männer die einzigartige DNA Unterzeichnung der jüdischen Priester. Mannesform der Lemba Stamm tragen eine häufigere Ausdehnung der jüdischen priesterlichen DNA Unterzeichnung als die europäische und amerikanische jüdische Bevölkerung.
Wenn die Polizei die Fingerabdrücke eines gewünschten Mannes hat, kennen sie den Mann dessen Drucke zusammenpassen. Die gleiche Sache kann hier gesagt werden.
Die frühe römisch-katholische Kirche schilderte Jesus und seine Mutter in den ursprünglichen schwarzen Bildern der jüdischen Leute an diesem Zeit-D Schwarzen Madonna. Von welchem afrikanischem Stamm waren sie?
Der Zeitabschnitt der frühen katholischen Kirche ist näeher an den Juden, die Afrika verlassen und zu Europa als die Renaissance-Maler gehen, die Jesus weiß malten.
Welches Europa nicht an zählte, war, daß Afrikaner ruhig ihre Vergangenheit kennen würden.
Darkwah gibt an, daß altes Ägypten geographisch in Afrika war und daß sogenannte europäische Experten nicht die alte ägyptische Geschichte kennen, weil sie nicht mit afrikanischen Stammes- Namen vertraut sind. Sie haben nicht die linguistischen und kulturellen Hintergründe, um ägyptische Namen zu kennzeichnen und der afrikanischen Namen der Leute und der Plätze in der alten ägyptischen Geschichte in europäische Sprachen einfach umgestellt zu haben, um es möglich zu machen, damit sie Sachkenntnis behaupten. Darkwah vollzieht die alte Vergangenheit der afrikanischen Stämme vom Mittlere Osten durch altes Ägypten nach inneres Afrika nach. Er deckt den afrikanischen Stamm auf, daß Historiker den Pseudonymen das Sumerians, Akkadians und die afrikanischen Stämme gaben, die die alten ägypter waren.


March 3, 2007

You must hear this – Bro Minister Louis Farrakhan’s Speech at Rosa Parks Memorial Service 2nd of November 2005

This Brother can preach in the tradition of Black preachers and Malcolm X! No Black minister today can out preach Farrakan!


March 3, 2007


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O. J. Simpson Shuffle: All for the love of a White Woman

He worships at the altar of what white looks like!

OJ Simpson, Kobe Bryant, Tiger (Negrito) Woods with all of his toothas, and Michael are America’s continual proof that broad grinning lapdogs exist in the 21st Century. If you don’t know what a “lapdog” is, do some reading. America can illustrate to its populace Blacks have never stopped basking in the affection of their masters. Simpson stands before Mr. Supremacy submissively–head slightly bent—Armani suited and Bruno Magli shoed to receive the favors and affection of his masters. He is a comedic media figure for Caucasians with “up in-the-butt” funniness and jokes.

Book Available: ME Booksellers

Okay Clarence Thomas, Tiger Woods, Michael Jackson, and Kobe Bryant: You will serve enemies that the LORD shall send against you, in hunger, and in thirst, and in nakedness, and in want of all things: And he shall put a yoke of iron upon your neck, until they have destroyed you. You will have a failing of eyes and sorrow of mind.

A few years ago Simpson’s lawyer F. Lee Bailey told CNN’s Larry King Live that Simpson would take a lie-detector test to prove his innocence provided anyone was willing to put up $3 million as “reward money” to flush out the real killer. Simpson and Denise Brown—his ex-sister-in-law argued on Fox News Live as Simpson claimed he and Denise never got along because she wanted to have sex with him. The “Trial of the Century” i.e. “American Failed Justice System”—was botched when its tactics failed to prosecute a runaway from the Black Community.

Black men who marry White women acquire whiteness through their spouse. Those who marry outside of their ethnic group do not seek to bring with them any cultural or racial pride. They grasp at the psychological White status representation through their partners. When children are born, the White mother labels the children “multiracial” to distance the offspring from their African heritage. By giving them a label, it helps reduce the blow to their psychic of their contact with a Black man. By saying that you are something you aren’t validates within your mind the misleading notion to jump on the bandwagon of conjured up erroneous racial classifications.

American Law was flawed because it didn’t work to hang the Nigger who married a White woman. What was worse in the media’s eyesight–being married to a White woman or killing a White woman? It all boiled down to White men grasping at the only thing they had left—their ability to duplicate the Caucasian Race. White women at childbearing age represent 2% of the global population. The dwindling Caucasian birth rates are causing depopulation of Whites as they disappear from the face of the Earth.

Black men get desperate and freak at the thought of losing a White woman—a cherished possession. The White woman has become a big game trophy possession for Black men who need a psychological egotistical boost. The White woman helps break caste barriers and lets Black men imitate Caucasian EQUALIZATION. OJ stands as a model for other Black men who thrive on Caucasian Social Mimicry–the same mimicry suffered by those who want to be included in the White realm of society. Dimple wearing-plastic man Michael Jackson and Black face-white interior Tiger Woods, Kobe Bryant, like Simpson, suffer from the same Caucasian Social Deformation.

America dangled Simpson before the public to say: “White woman, look what will happen to you if you run after a Black man.” The hailed “Trial of the Century” became just another method to regulate race interactions. The media had already convicted Simpson for the murder of Nicole with the evidence presented by the prosecution. Whites suffered from after-shock when the Simpson verdict was handed down.

The American Press iterates the opinions of the old guard—the American staunchly laden White-Sided Opinions. Simpson hung from the ludicrous litigation judicial system and found himself instantly “noosed up” in a civil trial where he was found responsible by the US Judicial System for the deaths of Nicole Simpson and Ronald Goldman; thus, accounting for OJ’s Double Jeopardy—He didn’t get the liberty to plead “The Fifth.” In turn he pleads, “Foolish Broad Grinning Lapdog” whenever the lights are on and the cameras are rolling—“The Simpson Shuffle Along”–still chasing the White woman while her forbearers try to hang him by his Bruno Magli Shoes from a rope with a sign titled “Stupid Stammering Simpson.” We will use you to show Black men the continual “remember you’re stupid dance:” Shuffle Along.

There is a new world order. Those of you who are suffering from a Caucasian Social Deformation should take heed. When you jump on the Whiteness bandwagon, think twice before pulling up on the joystick and losing your wheels. As you face your Black and Brown Race aggressors, you will only amount to 8% of the global population.

M. Stewart.
Copyright © 2002 – 2007. All rights reserved.
Revised: 01/01/07.


March 3, 2007


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I’m Your Baby’s Data: Counterfeit Caucasian Connection

Homo (man) Occidentalis (European or Western Hemisphere) are being threatened as a biological identity. Fertility rates are well below replacement levels in Europe and the United States, but cries ring out from my country tis a fee sweet land of liberty to control population growth in countries outside of Europe and North America–disappearance through infertility.

The graphic is of Cheops – 4th Dynasty Pharaoh and builder of the Great Pyramid. Sperm counts have dropped by almost a third in 10 years according to the Associated Press in 2004.

LONDON (AFP) – Male sperm counts have fallen by almost a third since 1989. A survey of 7,500 men who attended the Aberdeen Fertility Centre in northern Scotland between 1989 and 2002 brought alarming findings. Analysis of sperm samples showed that in men with what is considered a “normal” concentration of sperm — defined as over 20 million sperm per millilitre of semen — the average sperm count fell by 29 percent.

“There has been an increase in men seeking treatment for male infertility, but whether this is due to a significant increase in this condition or because men are more aware of new techniques which have been developed to help them, we cannot say.”

Blonde Hair People are Disappearing and will be Extinct in 200 Years.

New research suggests that people with blonde hair will be completely extinct in 200 years. Blonde hair occurs only in people from northern Europe. The blonde gene that causes blonde hair color must be on both sides of the family, and according to the World Health Organization, there is now too few people who carry it. Professor Jonathan Rees from Edinburgh University is leading a two-year study into the genetics of blondes. Scientists say blondes will survive longest in Scandinavia where they are most concentrated, and they predict the last one alive will be from Finland.

Jonathan Rees – Grant Professor of Dermatology
The University of Edinburgh – RIE, 1st Floor, Lauriston Buildings

Lauriston Place, Edinburgh, EH3 9YW

Tel: 44 (0)131 536 2041 – Fax 44 (0)131 229 8769

(Source: WDIV – Detroit Channel 4 – September 27, 2002)

The West is under-reproducing and is incontrovertible. Fertility rates are historically low–below replacement levels, looking much like what economists call a “low equilibrium trap.” Cultural mechanisms that ensure the survival of a group are more fragile than anyone at present seems to realize. Once they are shattered, they cannot be replaced with cash subsidies for child bearing or better day care facilities, or banning abortion and the distribution of contraceptives.

The West Germans and Danes, for example, have total fertility rates (approaching 1.3, where 2.1 children per woman will ultimately be required to keep the population from shrinking). Indeed, many of the North European nations are already shrinking absolutely – notably, the West Germans, the Swedes, the North Italians, and the Danes. In the United States, the Northeast exhibits North-European-style Total Fertility Rates, and the TFRs of Connecticut and Massachusetts, in particular, approach the lowest national TFRs so far observed, i.e., those of Denmark and West Germany.

So there is the passing of the Caucasoid–those of Nordic or Northwest European origins. Michael Bradley opens his book on the Caucasoid problem (The Iceman Inheritance, Warner Books, 1981) like this:

Let’s see if we can better understand the preceding paragraph. Even if abortion and contraceptives were banned in Europe and the US, the White birth rate would still remain below replacement levels. Starting with the new millennium, the US gives a tax credit for all children under the age of one. With that in mind, I ran across an article that appeared in the (Ritter, Malcolm, Detroit News, Oct 30, 2000. “Y chromosome under scope,” 4A). “The work on the DNA sequence of the Y chromosome should help researchers learn about causes of male infertility because it will help them identify genes that men need to make sperm”–we know they are talking about WHITE men.

Chromosomes make genes and gene families and genes help make sperm—a key to the disappearance of the Caucasian gene. Scurrying and scampering like albino rats to schematically study the “Y” and save the White Gene swim tank is the hottest Caucasian Recipe for making White babies as European and American scientists produce the most recent monkey in a test tube—primate—closest thing yet to a human being early in 2001.

“Racism itself is a predisposition of but one Race of Mankind – the White Race. Racism has its origins in the prehistory of the White Race alone. We attribute various threats of our survival to a conscious and self-protecting euphemism. Caucasoid behavior, Caucasoid values and Caucasoid psychology have attributed to the disappearance of the White Race. The problem with the world is white men” (p 3).

Johann Friedrich Blumenbach invented the title “Caucasian” in 1795 in the third edition of his—On the Natural Variety of Mankind. He took the name from Mount Caucasus. It was in that region he presumed was the original forms of mankind. So does “Caucasian” currently refer exclusively to people who are from the Caucasus? White today means people of European descent. Is that a misnomer? Regions and countries that are predominantly white, or of mainly European ancestry or Western culture, include Europe, Russia, the US, Canada, Argentina, Uruguay, Australia and New Zealand.

The reason the Caucasus had such an attraction to Blumenbach and other contemporaries of the 18th and 19th centuries was because of its proximity to Mount Ararat, where according to Biblical legend, Noah’s Ark eventually landed after the Deluge. Blumenbach believed the original humans were light-skinned, that the Caucasians had retained this whiteness as a constant, and that darkness of skin was a sign of change from the original. The concept of Caucasian Race and its stated or implied superiority over other races was often used as a moral excuse for colonialism by Western European countries.

He republished the text for general distribution in 1776. Isn’t it a coincidence there were three documents in 1776 helping to shape US Eurocentric History? 1) Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence (on the politics of liberty); 2) Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations (on the economics of individualism); and 3) Blumenbach’s treatise on racial classification (on the science of human diversity).

Outside of the United States people with undiscernible African admixture are considered “white,” while those of slight African appearance are often called “colored” or mixed race —a blanket term for people of multiple racial heritage. In Cuba, the Dominican Republic and Brazil, even those of clearly visible partial African ancestry, are considered or consider themselves “white.” In Latin America, the color situation is approached from the other end of the scale: A single drop of European blood is seen to inevitably whiten a person with discernible African heritage so that he is not immutably black. By contrast in Europe and Australia Middle Easterners and North Africans are never regarded or categorized as white. Instead, they are regarded as racial minorities.

Afrikans were descendants of Noah through Ham, whose sons were Cush (Ethiopia-Nubia), Misraim (Kemet or ancient Egypt), Phut (Somalia) and Canaan (Palestine). The sons of Cush, according to the biblical account, settled in Western Asia, the so-called Middle East, “‘bounded east by the eastern branch of the Euphrates and the Persian gulf, south by Arabia, or the Arabian Sea, west by the Red Sea and Egypt, and north by Canaan and Syria and in Africa itself. Egyptians and the Ethiopians were confederated in the same government and soon became the same people in politics, literature and peculiarities.

The portion of the Earth which was first peopled, after Adam and Eve had left Paradise, was the land of Ethiopia, on the river Gihon that went out of the Garden of Eden, “which compasseth the whole land (or country) of Ethiopia,” 4003 years before Christ. The children of Ethiopia were from Adam to Noah” and through Noah’s progeny. (James W. C. Pennington, A Text Book of the Origin and History, etc. etc. of the Colored People Hartford, CT: L. Skinner, Printer, 1841; reprint Detroit: Negro History Press)

Americans have been lead to believe that Black History started with slavery in the Americas. Instead of Black History dating back to the origin of man, it has become African-American History–a “full-blown” fascinating tale of dancing and singing happy people in cotton fields. During the 1950’s and 1960’s our revered elders were given the first and last name “boy.” Black mothers and grandmothers held the title “gal.” The schematic titles specified segments in breeding the Black “hate thyself psychic” brainteaser. The puzzle pieces have produced self-satisfied, brainwashed disciples who’s a$$es are being served on silver platters in the Benzos, Lexus-is-us, and Jeeps who wind up behind metal bars.

Classify them as subhuman. In 1906 crowds assembled around the monkey house exhibit at the New York Zoological Park. Here were man’s “evolutionary ancestors”—monkeys, chimpanzees, a gorilla named Dinah, an orangutan named Dohung, and an African Pygmy named Ota Benga.

The White sterile environment has severed the brain fibers PRODUCING White humans while Black life remains “non-human.” Benga was brought from the Belgian Congo in 1904 by African explorer Samuel Verner along with other pygmies and displayed in an exhibit in the 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair. After the St. Louis exhibit, Ota found himself at the Bronx Zoo under the direction of Dr. William T. Hornaday who “apparently saw no difference between a wild beast and the little Black man.” Present-day history has its similarities to the early 1900’s. The Black non-human concept prevails.

Look at the cases of Amadou Diallo and Rodney King. Diallo was shot 41 times by the NYPD—“Make Sure the Nigga is Dead Scenario.” King was blamed for the Los Angeles Riots i.e. the “Rodney King Uprising.” The hunt, capture and kill philosophy is on target as the White hunters, capturers, and murders were found–not guilty!!! As the new Millennium rolled around, Whites no longer use the belittling titles “boy” and “gal.” We are gettin’ busy calling ourselves “b!+(h-a$$ hoes.” The lyrics have been reinforced to brainwash youth into feeling they are the “Cool-A$$” scum of the Earth—a title to be reckoned with.

Decode the Caucasian Theory behind Black Race Theorizing. Euro-Americans live with the deception that they are a majority worldwide; yet make up only 8 percent of the global population—I’m your baby’s data. White Nationalist groups are in fear of annihilation. Go to the Aryan Nation’s Website and read warnings about the future of the White Race being in the wombs of 2 percent of its childbearing age White females. Globally, the White Race risks “genetic color elimination.” Apply what you’ve learned about dominant and recessive genes in Ninth Grade Biology. Europe has less than a 2 percent birthrate per annum. Caucasoid–8 per centers are presenting the world with a slight-of-hand act with “statistical numbers of non-truth.” The statistical maximizing multiplies the dwindling White Race numbers.

Read the following: Death of the West by Pat Buchanan. He is a White man who knows the “real deal.” His book is expected to be banned.

Note: It always takes a White person to validate anything.

Psychologically implanted into the minds of an unsuspecting world populous is the idea or maturation of many White Races. Whites are divided into racial categories–German White Race, English White Race, French White Race, Russian White Race, etc. While the Counterfeit Caucasian Connection is being communicated, authors like Cheikh Anta Diop, J A Rogers, Ivan Van Sertima and Chancellor Williams have researched the demolition of Black Civilization. By switching and substituting African names with Arabic and European names of people and things during antiquity, Black Hamites, Cushites, Hebrews, and Canaanites are no longer Black Africans. The titles are forthwith full-blown Caucasian character references. African History has become the history of Arabs (a reclassified Black Race) and Europeans—not the history of Africans.

Note: Read Diop’s and William’s researched proof of European civilization being a derivation of African achievement. Diop has proved the lack of archeological Caucasian specimens from antiquity.

Our modern written history is a segmented/fragmented version of chronicles about Caucasian human beings who lived on earth for thousands of years before they learned to record their thoughts in writing. African people are what every man must have been like before he learned to read and write, domesticate animals, cultivate crops and use metal tools. In essence African History is an abandoned/thrown-out footer to research publications.

Europeans entered Africa and realized recorded African chronicles were already posted on the front entrance. Europeans tried to destroy archeological artifacts so that there would be no evidence of a Negroid origin. When people think of antiquity, their first thoughts are of the Bible and the Garden of Eden. The early books of the Bible weren’t fully edited until after 7th Century BC from ancient Hebrew (Negroid) texts.

There is no exact portion of biblical text dated earlier than 3rd Century BC. Ancient Hebrew (Negroid) texts were used to write the Christian Bible. Recorded in the “Universal European Legislature” are the “religious” and “scientific” doctrines written for appeasement of the White (inner voice) conscience justifying the “White-First Theory” and the “Get Blackward Theory” of origin and knowledge. The theories are universally embedded in the global psyche. With good reason, Caucasian Theory can be equated to a pristine privy–outhouse.

Caucasian scientists refuse to give a valid explanation of why Blacks are disseminated all over the world–outside of Black-Black Africa. There are probably more arguments to diffuse the appearance of African masks and artifacts in Mexico and the Americas. Christopher Columbus told the King of Portugal, “We should use the secret trade route Africans have been using since 1310 to travel to the new world.” Large populations of Blacks can be found in Southern China, Mexico, Formosa, Australia, Malay Peninsula, India, and Indo-China. Caucasian scientists refuse to explain the Negroid finds in early Europe. According to White scientists, the indigenous “Black in color” people of India and Oceania have “no known origin.”

According to Rogers, antiquity illustrates recorded history was Negroid until Europeans emerged and began to extend themselves into the broader world of Africa and Asia during the 15th and 16th Centuries. Europe colonized Black and Brown mankind and conveniently rewrote history to show that Europeans were the only creators of “civilization.” The events took place 700 years before the “fallacious Caucasian discovery” of America. Europeans referred to African Kings as Chiefs in order to avoid making them equal to European Kings. The Chiefs could trace their lineage back thousands of years when Rome was nowhere to be seen on the map. Sixteen centuries passed before Charlemagne ruled in Europe and Egbert became the first King of England.

Seven hundred years still had to pass before the news rang out over the world of the discovery of America. Menalik II “King of Kings,” “Lion of Judah” (1923) can be traced to King Solomon in the Bible whose ancestor was Abraham–father of all Jews and descendent Jesus.

The oldest royal family in Europe was the Bourbon, which dates back to the 9th Century AD. The next is the English, which goes back to William the Conqueror, who was born in 1028. The Menelis can be traced to Menelis I, son of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, or back to 930 BC between Menelik I and Menelis II, stretching 2,793 years. Solomon’s lineage is traced in the Bible to Adam, would give Menelik nearly 6000 years of recorded ancestry.

According to Diop, until the 4th Glacial Epoch, the only humans on Earth were the flat-nosed Negroid Race. It was not until the fourth glaciation, lasting 100,000 years, that Negroid Race differentiations and other distinct races occurred.

Mycerinus (4th Dynasty)

He built the third Giza Pyramid.

Caucasoid humans have changed the origin of civilization. They iterate: We have dabbled in racial engineering. We have been successful in wiping out mass numbers of American Aboriginal. We have classified and reclassified people into different races. We have been successful in changing religious philosophies to meet the needs of the Caucasian Race. We are busy in our scientific labs trying to clone people with blue eyes, blonde hair and white skin. We have instituted biological germ warfare to produce Aids and wipe out a massive number of Blacks globally. Assuredly, and by far the harder fate to us all which may amount to our very own extinction is that which strikes the man who thinks he can overcome Nature. In the last analysis we only mock Nature because we are at the point of extinction.

Feasibly Fictitious (4th Dynasty African Royal Family)

Ra-Hotep and Nofret – Does not follow strict rule-bound artistic system.

Invented Rendition

Does not follow Ancient

Egypt’s Rule-Bound

Artistic System
British Museum – 18th Dynasty

Notice the similarity in the statues.

Ra-Hotep does not have on a wig, but the 18th Dynasty male does.

Ra-Hotep is a pale color whereas the 18th Dynasty image is dark red. (Diop says that the famous “Dark Red Color” to claim white authenticity is just the color of African Negroes).

Ra-Hotep has mdw ntr writing near his head; whereas the 18th Dynasty image has no writing near the head.

Ra-Hotep has no object in his left hand, and his right hand is across his chest without an object.

The 18th Dynasty image has his right hand on his lap with an object in it.

Ra-Hotep has his kilt belt lying completely on his lap, whereas the 18th Dynasty image has the kilt belt showing just above the waistline.

Nofret has on a diadem, whereas the 18th Dynasty female does not.

Nofret is wearing a cloak with her arms completely covered; whereas the 18th Dynasty female has her arms completely exposed.

Nofret does not have an object in either hand; whereas the 18th Dynasty female has a cloth in her left hand.

Nofret has mdw ntr writing near hear head, whereas the 18th Dynasty female image does not.

Both Ra-Hotep and Nofret are depicted with separate individual seated statues, whereas the 18th Dynasty couple is depicted in a joint seat and are showing affection.

Following is a point made by a website reader (O. Tucker) I thought made a lot of sense. He said: Scientists say that White people are white because of environmental factors. Did you know if you shave the hair off of a polar bear the skin beneath is BLACK? That’s right, the Discovery Channel confirmed it along with other sources. They also go on to say that its skin is black to absorb the heat of the sun and aid in keeping warm in cold climates. Now if a polar bear is an animal that has adapted to cold climates but has black skin to aid in keeping it warm, then how have white people adapted to cold climate–with white skin? About the only thing that manifests itself in white skin is albinism, and that is exactly what white people are………albinos. See through the nonsense and realize who is really the genetic defect with an inferiority complex.

M. Stewart.
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Revised: 01/01/07.