Archive for April, 2015

What happened to Freddy Gray in police custody?

April 21, 2015


politics from the eyes of an ebony mom

Freddy Gray was in perfect health. Last week he was pursued by Baltimore Police. One week later he is dead. The police suspect he was involved in drug activity but they have not said why he was arrested. So many questions, but one thing is certain Gray is dead and we need to know why.

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How did Freddy Gray die?

April 21, 2015


politics from the eyes of an ebony mom

The police made eye contact with Freddy Gray and he ran. Apparently running is enough to warrant arrest in Baltimore. He was taken in custody 8 days ago and he died yesterday. He was only 25 years old and no one knows how he died. He had crushed voicebox and a broken back and the police have no answers. There is no tape to show what the police did or did not do on the way to the precinct. The mayor and her police chief just held a press conference and they said a lot but really answered nothing. They are investigating and they should have more for us by May 1st. So what did they accomplish today. it was a PR effort. They wanted to show the volatile community that they care and they are looking for answers. Hopefully that will be enough for now.

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Pres. Obama: Dr. King and Dr. Viola Liuzzo did not give their life for TODAY BLACK LIVES NOT TO MATTER…

April 19, 2015


Culturallyconscious's Weblog

Wow… Please let me start of by apologizing for all those erratic tweets I sent out early this morning…  I was under attack in my bathroom; GPD came over and the building security guard came over but neither did anything…  I suffered through it; at first trying to resist being hit by the toxic dust which look a lot like roach bait…  If anyone is willing to render some forensic assistance, I have been collecting samples for months… After about an hour I realized that escaping this wrath was impossible…  The bathroom was my safe place; also prayer closet…  As I laid there my mind went back to the stories I heard Uncle Hosea (Not really my uncle, he allowed me to call him uncle) tell about battling through the Jim Crow south…  I could hear in my mind Dr. King say “Keep your cool John – if you BELIEVE in…

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The Original Black Woman: The Original and TRUE Standard of Beauty

April 19, 2015


Why do I sing Praises of your Beautiful, Black, ebony,velvet skin,”Blacker than the sky at midnight”{1},your full mushroomed mouth, your beautiful broad nose, your generous “Congo hips” {2}and full-flowered backside? Because for too long many of the Black Race have abused, dishonored you, degraded and denied you your crown, Queen of Queens,Queen Mother of the Black Race, Black Beauty Supreme! From you all the beauty of the Black Race springs forth.In fact all the world’s beauty springs from you,Mother of all beauty of all the races of the world! Your Black midnight,licorice,dark black chocolate,beauty, is Blackness concentrated in your beautiful “Black-blueberry”{3} face! First in the order of creation is always given respect by Afrikan tradition. The 1st wife, the 1st elder, the 1st kingdom, the 1st original inhabitants, of the earth-all are considered with honor. So it should be with Black Beauty-our darkest -skinned Sisters are the 1st Mothers of the Universe-Black as a color came before all the many tones of brown,red,yellow and white. But for too long our Dark-skinned Queens have not been given the respect and place of honor they deserve. IN FACT THE
WHITE BOY HAS INTIATED the cycle of reversing the true order of things by turning upside down the pyramid of Beauty, and placing white-light on top and relegating the most beautiful Black-skinned Beauties to rock bottom! So Black people have been taught well how to deny our most beautiful one her crown, taught how to reject our Blackest, most Afrikan features, full lips and nose and mouth and woollest hair, for the weaker characteristics of the white race. Shame on Black people! When will we wake up to this Black Beauty concentrated, from whence all our lesser beauty comes. When will we give the crown of crowns,the throne of thrones, to the Blackest Queen of Queens? Most of us who suffer from”mulatto-mentality” and “yellow fever”, as Fela, our great Nigerian Musician calls it, will go on and on about what about us lighter queens-aren’t we/they beautiful too, yet you/we should be aware that such queens have gotten all the play in the past and that even in Black Egypt one of the reasons for its downfall was the allowing the lighter ones of the race, to place themselves above the rest of us in the name of lightness and pride of light-closer/to/whiteness. So if we’re yellow,to light brown/red, then we should give respect where respect is due and not live off of the artificial white thrill of having “white features” as if it is an advantage. Where would you be without your BLACKEST great Grandmother? We should honor the Blackest part of ourselves, thus giving us true pride of Blackness, not verbal signifyin’ but real testifyin’ that BLACK is beautiful! If the Blackest, most Afrikan-featured Sister isn’t respected as the Supreme Beauty of the Race,the Black woman’s beauty is not really respected at all for what it really is(only in terms of how closer to white we look). We all reflect the strengths of this concentrated beauty in ourselves, all the manifestations of how Blackness can present itself are seen in our faces. Down to the milk-lightest of us, our Blackness is what dominates us whether physically or mentally. But the Mother is greater than the child and so the Blackest is greater than all the other tones of the Black Race. If we don’t respect our Blackest Queen, we don’t respect our True Black selves. We must have a Black value for BLACKNESS in features and skin tone. We must have a Black Standard of Beauty based on the Black-skinned woman. ALL PRAISES DUE TO OUR BLACK-SKINNED QUEEN-MOTHERS! Sister Yeye Akilimali Funua Olade 1981,Lagos,Nigeria BLACK NOTES: Let me give tribute to Brother Damu,House of Umoja(San Francisco) for{1} {2}Brother O.O. Gabugan in the poem “Black Queen For a Day”,{3}Sister Sonia Sanchez in her poem “,Queens of the Universe”,for the quoted words used in the first part of this article



Since it has been proven to be a fact that the Original Black Woman is the first woman God made, it would make sense that she would be the first and original standard of beauty. The Black Woman is the creatress of beauty and fashion trends that are still followed by ALL women around the world today. Dr. Ishakamusa Baranshango author of Afrikan Woman, The Original Guardian Angel states:

The standards and trends of physical beauty as manifested in feminine physique, hair styles, cosmetics, and fashions were first set  by the original Black Woman. For she collectively held the position of Ms. Universe for untold successive generations. Yes overwhelming archeological, anthropological, and historical documentation has revealed beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Afrikan woman was the first beauty queen on earth and the adoration of her exquisite comeliness so inspired the imagination of  human creative thought that she…

View original post 220 more words


April 16, 2015



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A glorious celebration for the life of Dr. Ben

Herb Boyd | 4/11/2015, 3:22 p.m.
While there is no dismissing the glorious encomiums for the late Dr. Yosef A.A. ben-Jochannan—and they were as full of ...

The funeral of the late Dr. Yosef A.A. ben-Jochannan Derek Muhammad
While there is no dismissing the glorious encomiums for the late Dr. Yosef A.A. ben-Jochannan—and they were as full of praise as the many dispensers—the priceless item at his more than three-hour funeral service at the Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem was the printed program. One thing was certain upon being lucky enough to get one was the prediction that they would not have a sufficient supply for the massive turnout.
An even safer prediction was that many of the hundreds of admirers of the great scholar would not be able to get in the church in the first place, and like the overflow crowd at the wake and viewing on Thursday, many had to settle for the celebration outside the church at the end of the services.

Professor James Small had the awesome responsibility of moderating the “service of commemoration and the Initiation into the Duat,” as the ceremony was called. Looking at the long list of speakers, performers and proclamations he advised the participants that “you have two minutes for your remarks,” he said, “and only Dr. Jeffries can have an extended African two minutes.” It brought the expected laughter from a packed church, especially from those familiar with Dr. Leonard Jeffries’ long, history-laden speeches. And later he and his wife, Dr. Rosalind Jeffries, would speak in tandem, both stressing an “African identity” and keeping to the limits.
“Dr. Ben is not gone, he’s right here,” said veteran activist and cultural maven Camille Yarbrough during her delivery of the libations. She asked the audience to “just breathe” deeply and reflect on Dr. Ben’s spirit.
After the collective breath was exhaled, Minister Akbar Muhammad was called to the podium and, for the most part, he read a message from Minister Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation of Islam. It was a message of unity and solidarity with understanding that Dr. Ben was a historian “from whose lessons we can learn from the past.”
Listening to someone read from the Book of Vindication must have been a first time experience for most of those in attendance. And it was during this reading that “Mut the mother of heaven” was mentioned and “heaven” would be almost a running gag for the rest of the ceremony, particularly where it was variously located by different speakers.
Professor Small, a leopard skin print draped over his shoulders, kept things moving at a good clip, and often dropping his own observations of his mentor. “Dr. Ben gave us the foundation to understand our eternity,” he remarked before asking Rev. Dr. Calvin Butts, III to read the obituary. Among the highlights of Dr. Ben’s enormously productive 96 years—he joined the ancestor on March 19—Butts recalled was that he was a versatile genius who wrote more than 40 books. “He will be remembered as a brilliant historian, committed to the uplift and enlightenment of the global African community. He will also be remembered as charismatic with an enormous sense of humor. And at the same time, as being straight, forthright, and even confrontational if he detected lies, deceit, or falsehoods.”

Olivia Holloway ·

Dr Ben will always be important to myself and a great many more every last one of us is grateful for opening our eyes to the glorious ness of who we really are as a people his spirit will forever be with us
Dellin J. Cooke ·

i owe such much of my understanding to Dr.Ben was in the darkness to my existence as a black man in America thought the bible was the truth an I was the this descendant of a slave with no past just the one that the Europeans wrote for me. Dr.Ben showed me I had a history an knew GOD long before this faireytale book f lies Dr.Ben an Dr.Clarke will never be forgotten.
Delinda Wills Thomas ·

Thanks so much for the LIVE STREAM of Dr. Ben’s celebration of his life and for allowing me to meet family members, historians, ministers, attorneys, and others who talked about the realities his life and works,..Dr. Ben taught me the truths about me, my people and opened my mind to further research, readings, teachings to carry the African Centered baton of his findings,..He will always live on through me and others,..
Nefertina Abrams ·

The Great Pharaoh is on his journey sent with great love, admiration and respect, I was blessed to attend the Wake which was phenominal… I laughed, I cheered, I cried, I sighed, but most of all I Gave Thanks for his life and his legacy…
Aku A King

Yes….just as there were hundreds clamoring to be a part of this moment, physically….. I, like many others, were there as we “watched”, very closely, every movement on and offstage…thanks to AMSTERDAM NEWS and LIVESTREAM…… We were THERE…..and we are STILL there….. AKOBEN!!!!


April 16, 2015
Who Has The Most Swag
We checked out several African Fashion Tips. What we found was genius. Click Image 4 More
One Brand, One promise!
Order your new Blackberry and pay cash on delivery!
Mosunmola EventSpice W likes this–eiqoHas3UtD3PkU2Cnei9UJeZlylQVoUbpgcrK-6lgXzmXltS4Wzrs4NtLIES4Ki16kQp0g4OFOYxLg3vvR7-aIKttNTQszmCQaJzXKPWAE2bS0N68vxpV9eWoYPqUAeE-Pkp-5ktsuzucdnZcYWX8mK2nrdO8AIYmgYATMbH4i3bF4xur5iuBgIGQPkKv5BAPVfUtJdX5LEkVB1tUIaCQpLt9oSLDywALRW_4VD3YANS9j1HR19yD2KZ2VDxg-phhvY-LnXMNCUO2yb06l6MAbydnptXBq989yH6TaepRvpfK_efC1os8MEHOxab0T4QTkKepN7HSv7qrB8xJ0jXWyKU8QLl_m3QZCdRd3lM-AODQYaJdKS4SFb92KVaK7s59b8na1hionLy1bAXL5jGMKwn7lN9mejrwwvTR1j-KqmJoobeBqmVOmNLkg6EZDyJmauPoAjWjxwoKHWHUHPrtLmotT6RmID78uofzy397ybzQ5FaxR9K9Znq28V-xEBrZld-ZOd3WuM0-3nWAkn_e6QijtL3uTFKyv86-jDP6caoKQhHiSU-tK8FhxR-AUiI2AnASk4ddVpY7KAHiNGM1hrjihJMxIi6t38ZFHDI_hlty7ZvdGLV5mBkTLAd_xAetlDWFI4GVWKDHTqOjYv8PhW3ri3_4m0Fb7uB5FSty6QYijlC_LWj6KPQSIsf1wOXRah1k0JqHDq6PCejaWVp3PgH5IBT7MJQlsVr7iN2GdeyBALDQrZiIZkZsc8eyRi5FDY3k-nwGSv9SuajHJNMgD3P_Lydu2ESnLfWzNysF00qIL-RxEbnsEYDvs9r-icNYg5V6LmekbcrM5kpikr5mhI-ci73ZzhBQwx8VmgKiYUUnwT1zPYzqcYuE_FIf5lZNmRshtv718ApI5NA2jGJcEV5UfZP-v3YOjHU_9mTtC4RliP2ICFeH7jqXrPcNXIBQZl75etFw3J7ou6yoa3qwo68dh3omfvhwAqXftSKV7jHMvY1tFeGA5lbfLtgHF4bKmUsO0TlDrud7GAerNzBsexI20Kta_12hSJ2I-rwoKYodRuj5HCx99KsCJ5Gy8SFrnnyS1koxmDzLXnFbzlwXqGjfCVE2tUNZS7md_UTJODhF1DUfApv4Q62eWMfz-K_25FxO-c9K4TWdOS1Zk2nLHKH4pTG1D_N5OvIxqM2-90ICcARCYrE73BLMlUjL-Y74VPQsWPFbvkmODhmoJPUgiaciCYERBKwwVSynF-72uh5zgZcthSsH7dLKiKbKc9M8eLu8QwGzcy9YKD9INvIL_OyzFCvhPwtJ2NQgcJwFa-f1SaLIzte1h7zL8j3pmUrhsaUKbuzl4eCbfhIuhMw1cVmw_6ik24US6BaI7GpEMQDSOXqB-MTKFsLY8dsDI9oRsthaAM3CXtwZBkh215dnbNjA8ftw1QXv0CpL63JeBS454vr9YE0wLID6_Fgf5IbXltgCeqmjHkawq56LtnxQIc02Hppt8VcH7yTG2AnRy6YEHkw-vzP4QpOEGlMlQeUW3ufKUo8rpKwxHEij4vlF20A7TqPeADUZNhGvg8rt2VmAzBhcfVnAY3BvzwvI7OQB9DKJY6whqSs33EQyVTP4P2aysvquWFHbBM_zJ32KUHDOTXXX9cqWqKIDpnhMoY0mpOBD5CUISZ7YsQKHYhOS77tjv-0yqW1XTa62_jtuapp-qRvzaR7nmjsIPViBpOSuJhuqjNzfPzxD4sX8T6pG6K1AL-cuva9Cp8ncUNVjc49XCd1Zwqz2DRY8yQyyaFPa3FB87TTiPwO_o6e7gHAmdE7ypPCU5IbK1R6Xrpxcubn366ymuRquVbnmZapliOrkUr1xBQJGDDu3_6ZKCxD6-Lb7y0ykIz6r0f_CkvYwH8TTkBxteocTc2P6WXsiZ8Yz2CnDXfHbxhdigtXepQeia0LdLaRH2O-64Fa0zVrF-zzJ68ds0a1uh2SUMNt9Mc_fSWPNWjzJmitnHm1p48YgzxWxitdFfuCCFbCadLAcaczVIzPJ3FUjk7EbGlg-PJ2k4kBCJwDEFQgWuof6GD0GSKKfIichcypR7DqNCFwwSHhTjcakS1sxpL9I3ub5_hczZ3OjS6ofmJ5de_oCbwWVd3VrgGA1sjRSJaTnBxB327_DYbgquNrsZPYPc1D7TG7FQS1SALj7Zve72XQkoCZjnaQGF_Crleh_lmxsyi2FdBEP0IQqdOum50D1HdQRm3DrS7TlTcYFsD_fZA1sM6FBwiaHtrEQmY4ap_6ACUYgd7QeYNk7jtPukujHQsuYJEKt-OASuMAojLxoCs1fQrgR-OWFoQKSYXT1XeycimQx70ghlMQ_AG6dL1asZtoqxPJ3DxJH1cT9aoSUt-briZPZp_oY1stdCKvFDuG7rVed01Cig-gmOHRtluYnUETJqcMxsSlUnu7cJ1_P1-MJjXkBLxH_El9A4MwOFlSOcXoNPmDmpCNiQafcKeieBZ7HCr40pNklmqM24v4id3pytM8phTDoy11HBF-p5fYPWjivkKunk0T4IHIn8U4-FEv1JkdmcjNSZX94G-6n9TSRHqgnw_zAVZxSBWr3pfbu3q5IPJNz5dvwjxtw3iPfqZF_x0DqK-Ah4t3ZcwYqmwY6-aJ5_gkKyeevAiHaVtEckzmq97a2BYupYeQIjReO2L43xdJG-hVMcy-rp6_8r2sZpu-gErZT1JEt8Ro9a6AZX1wBDOqi8Y8_-7hy__0kfV6gFJD3oE6iqtFhzXEiDJQ

News Feed

News Feed

If Bowser’s bodycam measure becomes law, any future Walter Scott cases in D.C. may never come to light.

WASHINGTON — After this month’s police killing of Walter Scott in South Carolina, Americans were treated to another lesson in how police departments can spin…

Shut it down, from New York to San Francisco. Apologies to the personable London Breed, a young black woman straight out of the hood, who seems to have a good heart — may her tribe increase — but was conducting the meeting of the Board of Supervisors at San Francisco’s City Hall, which stands uniquely on a street named for a black man, Dr. Carlton Goodlett, M.D., Ph.D.

NewsOne's photo.

‪#‎ShutDownA14‬ Update: Protesters shut down Brooklyn Bridge and San Francisco City Hall in a day of protests nationwide. Hear what Dr. Cornel West told protesters in NYC. MORE –>…/cornell-west-carl-dix-march-april-14/



Thursday, April 16, 2015


from kathleen wills,facebook

“SHUT IT DOWN!!!” Photos from today’s (Tuesday, April 14) protest in NYC. ‪#‎FTP‬ ‪#‎BlackLivesMatter‬
Kathleen Wills's photo.

Kathleen Wills's photo.
Kathleen Wills's photo.



April 14, 2015

Autum Ashante’
Jeremiah Wright: “God Damn America”
A longer reel of the famous “God Damn America” sermon from President Obama’s former pastor,…
11 hrs ·

hImage result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black menPOLICE KILLINGS OF BLACK MEN ON GOOGLE SEARCH
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men
Image result for images of police killings of black men

“Pres. Obama: I am a 55 year old Black Political Blogger Under attack for speaking “Truth to Power” about the unjust murders of unarmed black men by evil white Police…”

April 14, 2015

Culturallyconscious's Weblog

I am a 55 year old Black Political Blogger Under attack for speaking “Truth to Power” about the unjust murders of unarmed black men by evil white Police; and of course supporting Pres. Obama…

I feel like my life is in danger…
I have been a political blogger ( for eight years blogging about 
injustices targeted toward black people and President Obama…  I have been harassed by a klandish organization for several years which I have blogged about several times over the last eight years; read them and you too will see how these guys operate…  I have had to call 911 several times while driving the highways in a big truck and in a POV because they harassed me trying to wreck me… I alerted highway patrol/DOT while driving through Midland TX. in 2007 in a big truck and several times outside Hattiesburg Ms. and the back roads…

View original post 715 more words

#BringBackOurGirls 365 Days Later…Sadly they are not back

April 14, 2015

BLACK PEOPLE !-TUPAC SAYS-“The Blacker The Berry The SweeterTHE Juice/ I Say The Darker The Flesh, Then The Deeper The Roots ~ Tupac

April 13, 2015


The Blacker The Berry The SweeterTHE Juice/ I Say The Darker The Flesh, Then The Deeper The Roots ~ Tupac

The Blacker The Berry The SweeterTHEBSB10BSB11BSB8BSB7BSB6BSB5BSB4BSB3BSB1BSB Juice/ I Say The Darker The Flesh, Then The Deeper The Roots ~ Tupac